View Source Image.Options.ToneCurve (image v0.56.0)
Options and option validation for Image.apply_tone_curve/2
A percent expressed as a float in the range [0.0..1.0]
Range for setting the black point and
white point. The range is 0..100 reflecting
the values of L* in the Lab
The adjustment range for the shadow, midpoint and highlights.
Options applicable to Image.apply_tone_curve/2
Valid range for setting the black point and white point.
The range in which the shadows, mids and highlights can be adjusted.
Validate the options for Image.apply_tone_curve/2
@type positive_percent() :: float()
A percent expressed as a float in the range [0.0..1.0]
@type set_point() :: 0..100
Range for setting the black point and
white point. The range is 0..100 reflecting
the values of L* in the Lab
@type tone_adjustment() :: -30..30
The adjustment range for the shadow, midpoint and highlights.
@type tone_curve_option() :: {:black_point, set_point()} | {:white_point, set_point()} | {:shadow_point, positive_percent()} | {:mid_point, positive_percent()} | {:highlight_point, positive_percent()} | {:shadows, tone_adjustment()} | {:mid_points, tone_adjustment()} | {:highlights, tone_adjustment()}
Options applicable to Image.apply_tone_curve/2
@type tone_curve_options() :: [tone_curve_option()] | map()
Valid range for setting the black point and white point.
The range in which the shadows, mids and highlights can be adjusted.
Validate the options for Image.apply_tone_curve/2