View Source Jido.Runner.Instruction (Jido v1.0.0)

Represents a single instruction to be executed by a Runner. An instruction consists of an action module and its parameters.

Instructions are the basic unit of execution in the Jido system. They wrap an action module with its parameters and execution context, allowing the Runner to execute them in a standardized way.


  • :action - The action module to execute (required)
  • :params - Map of parameters to pass to the action (default: %{})
  • :context - Map of execution context data (default: %{})
  • :result - Result of executing the instruction (default: nil)


# Create a basic instruction
  action: MyApp.Actions.DoSomething,
  params: %{value: 42}

# With context
  action: MyApp.Actions.ProcessData,
  params: %{data: "input"},
  context: %{user_id: 123}

Instructions are typically created by the Agent when processing commands, and then executed by a Runner module like Jido.Runner.Simple or Jido.Runner.Chain.




@type t() :: %Jido.Runner.Instruction{
  action: module(),
  context: map(),
  params: map(),
  result: term()