View Source Jido.Runner.Result (Jido v1.0.0)

Represents the result of executing one or more instructions. Contains the final state and any directives for the agent.

The Result struct tracks:

  • Initial and final state of the execution
  • Status and any errors that occurred
  • Instructions that were executed
  • Any directives generated during execution
  • Remaining pending instructions

This is used by both the Simple and Chain runners to maintain execution state and return results in a consistent format.




@type t() :: %Jido.Runner.Result{
  directives: list(),
  error: Jido.Error.t(),
  id: String.t(),
  initial_state: map(),
  instructions: list(),
  pending_instructions: :queue.queue(),
  result_state: map(),
  status: atom(),
  syscalls: list()