View Source Joken.Signer (Joken v2.6.2)

Interface between Joken and JOSE for signing and verifying tokens.

In the future we plan to keep this interface but make it pluggable for other crypto implementations like using only standard :crypto and :public_key modules. So, avoid depending on the inner structure of this module.



A key may be an octet or a map with parameters according to JWK (JSON Web Key)


A Joken.Signer instance is a JWS (JSON Web Signature) and JWK (JSON Web Key) struct.


All supported algorithms.

Creates a new Joken.Signer struct. Can accept either a binary for HS* algorithms or a map with arguments for the other kinds of keys. Also, accepts an optional map that will be passed as extra header arguments for generated JWT tokens.

Map key algorithms.

Generates a Joken.Signer from Joken's application configuration.

Signs a map of claims with the given Joken.Signer.

Verifies the given token's signature with the given Joken.Signer.


@type key() :: binary() | map()

A key may be an octet or a map with parameters according to JWK (JSON Web Key)

@type t() :: %Joken.Signer{
  alg: binary() | nil,
  jwk: JOSE.JWK.t() | nil,
  jws: JOSE.JWS.t() | nil

A Joken.Signer instance is a JWS (JSON Web Signature) and JWK (JSON Web Key) struct.

It also contains an alg field for performance reasons.


@spec algorithms() :: [binary()]

All supported algorithms.

Link to this function

create(alg, key, jose_extra_headers \\ %{})

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@spec create(binary(), key(), %{required(binary()) => term()}) :: t()

Creates a new Joken.Signer struct. Can accept either a binary for HS* algorithms or a map with arguments for the other kinds of keys. Also, accepts an optional map that will be passed as extra header arguments for generated JWT tokens.


iex> Joken.Signer.create("HS256", "s3cret")
  alg: "HS256",
  jwk: %JOSE.JWK{
    fields: %{},
    keys: :undefined,
    kty: {:jose_jwk_kty_oct, "s3cret"}
  jws: %JOSE.JWS{
    alg: {:jose_jws_alg_hmac, :HS256},
    b64: :undefined,
    fields: %{"typ" => "JWT"}
@spec map_key_algorithms() :: [binary()]

Map key algorithms.

Link to this function

parse_config(key \\ :default_key)

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@spec parse_config(atom()) :: t() | nil

Generates a Joken.Signer from Joken's application configuration.

A Joken.Signer has an algorithm (one of ["HS256", "HS384", "HS512", "RS256", "RS384", "RS512", "ES256", "ES384", "ES512", "PS256", "PS384", "PS512", "Ed25519", "Ed25519ph", "Ed448", "Ed448ph", "EdDSA"]) and a key.

There are several types of keys used by JWTs algorithms:

  • RSA
  • Elliptic Curve
  • Octet (binary)
  • So on...

Also, they can be encoded in several ways:

  • Raw (map of parameters)
  • PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail format)
  • Open SSH encoding
  • So on...

To ease configuring these types of keys used by JWTs algorithms, Joken accepts a few parameters in its configuration:

  • :signer_alg : one of ["HS256", "HS384", "HS512", "RS256", "RS384", "RS512", "ES256", "ES384", "ES512", "PS256", "PS384", "PS512", "Ed25519", "Ed25519ph", "Ed448", "Ed448ph", "EdDSA"].
  • :key_pem : a binary containing a key in PEM encoding format.
  • :key_openssh : a binary containing a key in Open SSH encoding format.
  • :key_map : a map with the raw parameters.
  • :key_octet : a binary used as the password for HS algorithms only.


config :joken,
  hs256: [
    signer_alg: "HS256",
    key_octet: "test"

config :joken,
  rs256: [
    signer_alg: "RS256",
    key_pem: """
    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
@spec sign(, t()) ::
  {:ok, Joken.bearer_token()} | {:error, Joken.error_reason()}

Signs a map of claims with the given Joken.Signer.


iex> Joken.Signer.sign(%{"name" => "John Doe"}, Joken.Signer.create("HS256", "secret"))
{:ok, "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoiSm9obiBEb2UifQ.xuEv8qrfXu424LZk8bVgr9MQJUIrp1rHcPyZw_KSsds"}

iex> Joken.Signer.sign(%{"name" => "John Doe"}, Joken.Signer.parse_config(:rs256))
{:ok, "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoiSm9obiBEb2UifQ.e3hyn_oaaA2lxMlqH1UPo8STN-a_sszl8B2_s6tY9aT_YBAmfd7BXJOPsOMl7x2wXeKMQaNBVjna2tA0UiO_m3SpwiYgoTcU65D6OgkzugmLD_DhjDK1YCOKlm7So1uhbkb_QCuo4Ij5scsQqwv7hkxo4IximGBeH9LAvPhPTaGmYJMI7_tWIld2TlY6tNUQP4n0qctXsI3hjvGzdvuQW-tRnzAQCC4TYe-mJgFa033NSHeiX-sZB-SuYlWi7DJqDTiwlb_beVdqWpxxtFDA005Iw6FZTpH9Rs1LVwJU5t3RN5iWB-z4ZI-kKsGUGLNrAZ7btV6Ow2FMAdj9TXmNpQ"}
@spec verify(Joken.bearer_token(), %Joken.Signer{
  alg: term(),
  jwk: term(),
  jws: term()
}) ::
  {:ok,} | {:error, Joken.error_reason()}

Verifies the given token's signature with the given Joken.Signer.


iex> Joken.Signer.verify("eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoiSm9obiBEb2UifQ.xuEv8qrfXu424LZk8bVgr9MQJUIrp1rHcPyZw_KSsds", Joken.Signer.create("HS256", "secret"))
{:ok, %{"name" => "John Doe"}}

iex> Joken.Signer.verify("eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoiSm9obiBEb2UifQ.e3hyn_oaaA2lxMlqH1UPo8STN-a_sszl8B2_s6tY9aT_YBAmfd7BXJOPsOMl7x2wXeKMQaNBVjna2tA0UiO_m3SpwiYgoTcU65D6OgkzugmLD_DhjDK1YCOKlm7So1uhbkb_QCuo4Ij5scsQqwv7hkxo4IximGBeH9LAvPhPTaGmYJMI7_tWIld2TlY6tNUQP4n0qctXsI3hjvGzdvuQW-tRnzAQCC4TYe-mJgFa033NSHeiX-sZB-SuYlWi7DJqDTiwlb_beVdqWpxxtFDA005Iw6FZTpH9Rs1LVwJU5t3RN5iWB-z4ZI-kKsGUGLNrAZ7btV6Ow2FMAdj9TXmNpQ", Joken.Signer.parse_config(:rs256))
{:ok, %{"name" => "John Doe"}}