View Source Configuration

Token configuration

One of Joken's basic concepts is a map of configuration. This map has binary keys that are the claims names and Joken.Claim instances with what to do during generation or validation.

Here is an example:

# Empty token configuration
token_config = %{}

# Let's create a Joken.Claim
iss = %Joken.Claim{
         generate: fn -> "My issuer" end,
         validate: fn claim_val, claims, context -> claim_val == "My issuer" end

# Now let's add it to our token config
token_config = Map.put(token_config, "iss", iss)

This configuration map is referred to as token_config. Since creating it is cumbersome, we provide some helpers:

# Same result as the first example:
token_config = %{} |> Joken.Config.add_claim("iss", fn -> "My issuer" end, &(&1 == "My issuer"))

You need at least one of the functions (validate or generate). One example of leaving one of them empty is when you are only validating tokens. In this case you might leave generate functions empty.

With your token_config created, you can pass it to functions like: Joken.generate_claims/3 or Joken.validate/4.

Signer configuration

Signer is an instance of Joken.Signer. You can create one like this:

signer = Joken.Signer.create("HS256", "my secret")

This is an explicit signer creation. You can configure a signer in mix config.exs too. Please see the docs on Joken.Signer for the accepted parameters.

Module approach

In Joken 2.0 you can encapsulate all your token logic in a module with Joken.Config. You do that like this:

defmodule MyAppToken do
  use Joken.Config

  # other functions here...

This is the recommended approach. With this macro you get some generated functions that pass your token_config automatically to Joken's functions. It also implements the Joken.Hooks behaviour so you can override any of its callbacks. Also, by default, it will look for a signer from mix config with the default_signer key.

Let's see this in more depth below.

Claims generation and validation

Let's start with an example:

defmodule MyApp.Token do
  use Joken.Config

With this configuration, you get:

So, if you call MyApp.Token.generate_and_sign/2 and you have a key configured with the value :default_signer you'll get a token with:

It is important to notice that this configuration is used for claims we want to either generate dynamically (like all time based claims) or validate (like iss claim that we want to ensure is the same we use to generate our tokens).

Overriding token_config/0

You can customize token generation and validation by overriding the function token_config/0 in your module. Example:

defmodule MyApp.Token do
  use Joken.Config

  def token_config do
    |> add_claim("my_key", fn -> "My custom claim" end, &(&1 == "My custom claim"))

{:ok, token, claims} = MyApp.Token.generate_and_sign()

{:ok, claims} = MyApp.Token.verify_and_validate(token)

claims = %{"my_key" => "My custom claim"}

Please see Joken.Config docs for more info on the generated callbacks.