View Source LastfmArchive.Livebook (lastfm_archive v1.2.1)

Livebook chart and text rendering.



Returns a list of daily scrobble playcounts and stats per years.

Display user name and total number of scrobbles to archive.

Display faceted dataframe in VegaLite bubble plot showing first play and counts (size, colour).


@type daily_playcounts() :: %{
  required({user(), year()}) => %{
    data: [%{count: integer(), date: String.t()}],
    total: integer(),
    max: integer()
@type year() :: integer()


Link to this function

daily_playcounts_per_years(user \\ LastfmClient.default_user(), cache \\ LastfmArchive.Cache.Server)

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@spec daily_playcounts_per_years(user(), module()) :: daily_playcounts()

Returns a list of daily scrobble playcounts and stats per years.

Link to this function

info(user \\ LastfmClient.default_user())

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Display user name and total number of scrobbles to archive.

Link to this function


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@spec render_first_play_bubble_plot(Explorer.DataFrame.t()) :: VegaLite.t()

Display faceted dataframe in VegaLite bubble plot showing first play and counts (size, colour).

Link to this function

render_playcounts_heatmaps(user \\ LastfmClient.default_user(), opts \\ [], cache \\ LastfmArchive.Cache.Server)

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@spec render_playcounts_heatmaps(user(), keyword(), module()) :: :ok

Display daily playcounts of scrobbles archived in VegaLite heatmaps.