View Source LastfmArchive.Archive.Scrobble (lastfm_archive v1.2.1)
Struct representing a Lastfm scrobble, i.e. listened track.
Create a single or stream of scrobble structs.
@type t() :: %LastfmArchive.Archive.Scrobble{ album: String.t() | nil, album_mbid: String.t() | nil, artist: String.t() | nil, artist_mbid: String.t() | nil, artist_url: String.t() | nil, date: Date.t() | nil, datetime: DateTime.t() | nil, datetime_unix: integer() | nil, id: String.t() | nil, mbid: String.t() | nil, mmdd: String.t() | nil, name: String.t() | nil, url: String.t() | nil, year: integer() | nil }
Lastfm scrobble
@spec new(map()) :: t() | Enumerable.t(t())
Create a single or stream of scrobble structs.