View Source LastfmArchive.Load (lastfm_archive v1.2.1)

This module provides functions for loading Lastfm data into databases and search engines.



Check a Solr core/collection to ensure it has the required Lastfm data fields.

Load a CSV file data from the archive into Solr for a Lastfm user.

Ping a Solr core/collection endpoint to check if it is running.


@spec check_solr_schema(binary() | atom()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, Hui.Error.t()}

Check a Solr core/collection to ensure it has the required Lastfm data fields.

The check currently inspects Solr schema for a list of Lastfm fields and returns error if one or more of the fields are missing. See LastfmArchive.Transform.transform/3 for the list of fields.


  LastfmArchive.Load.check_solr_schema(:lastfm_archive) # ping a configured endpoint

See ping_solr/1 for more details on URL configuration.

Link to this function

load_solr(url, user, filename)

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@spec load_solr(Hui.URL.t(), binary(), binary()) ::
  {:ok, Hui.Http.t()} | {:error, :enoent}

Load a CSV file data from the archive into Solr for a Lastfm user.

The function reads and converts scrobbles in a CSV file from the file archive into a list of maps. The maps are sent to Solr for ingestion. Use Hui.URL.t/0 struct to specify the Solr endpoint.


  # define a Solr endpoint with %Hui.URL{} struct
  headers = [{"Content-type", "application/json"}]
  url = %Hui.URL{url: "http://localhost:8983/solr/lastfm_archive", handler: "update", headers: headers}

  # ingest data scrobbled in 2018
  LastfmArchive.Load.load_solr(url, "a_lastfm_user", "csv/2018.csv.gz")

CSV files must be pre-created by transforming raw JSON Lastfm data - see LastfmArchive.transform/2.

@spec ping_solr(binary() | atom()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, Hui.Error.t()}

Ping a Solr core/collection endpoint to check if it is running.

The endpoint can either be a URL string or an atom referring to an endpoint in configuration. The library uses Hui to interact with Solr, an endpoint can be specified as below:


  LastfmArchive.Load.ping_solr(:lastfm_archive) # check a configured endpoint

:lastfm_archive refers to the following Solr update endpoint in configuration:

  config :hui, :lastfm_archive,
    url: "http://solr_url..",
    handler: "update",
    headers: [{"Content-type", "application/json"}]

See Hui.URL module for more details.