View Source Cluster.Strategy.Kubernetes (libcluster v3.5.0)

This clustering strategy works by fetching information of endpoints or pods, which are filtered by given Kubernetes namespace and label.

This strategy requires a service account with the ability to list endpoints or pods. If you want to avoid that, you could use one of the DNS-based strategies instead.

See Cluster.Strategy.Kubernetes.DNS and Cluster.Strategy.Kubernetes.DNSSRV.

It assumes that all Erlang nodes are using longnames - <basename>@<ip_or_domain>:

  • all nodes are using the same <basename>
  • all nodes are using unique <ip_or_domain>

In <basename>@<ip_or_domain>:

  • <basename> would be the value configured by :kubernetes_node_basename option.
  • <ip_or_domain> would be the value which is controlled by following options:
    • :kubernetes_namespace
    • :kubernetes_selector
    • :kubernetes_service_name
    • :kubernetes_ip_lookup_mode
    • :kubernetes_use_cached_resources
    • :mode

Getting <basename>

As said above, the basename is configured by :kubernetes_node_basename option.

Just one thing to keep in mind - when building an OTP release, make sure that the name of the OTP release matches the name configured by :kubernetes_node_basename.

Getting <ip_or_domain>

:kubernetes_namespace and :kubernetes_selector option

These two options configure how to filter required endpoints or pods.

:kubernetes_ip_lookup_mode option

These option configures where to lookup the required IP.

Available values:

  • :endpoints (default)
  • :pods


When setting this value, this strategy will lookup IP from endpoints.

In order for your endpoints to be found they should be returned when you run:

kubectl get endpoints -l app=myapp

Then, this strategy will fetch the addresses of all endpoints with that label and attempt to connect.


When setting this value, this strategy will lookup IP from pods directly.

In order for your pods to be found they should be returned when you run:

kubectl get pods -l app=myapp

Then, this strategy will fetch the IP of all pods with that label and attempt to connect.

kubernetes_use_cached_resources option

When setting this value, this strategy will use cached resource version value to fetch k8s resources. In k8s resources are incremented by 1 on every change, this version will set requested resourceVersion to 0, that will use cached versions of resources, take in mind that this may be outdated or unavailable.

:mode option

These option configures how to build the longname.

Available values:

  • :ip (default)
  • :dns
  • :hostname


In this mode, the IP address is used directly. The longname will be something like:


Getting this mode to work requires:

  1. exposing pod IP from Kubernetes to the Erlang node.
  2. setting the name of Erlang node according to the exposed information

First, expose required information from Kubernetes as environment variables of Erlang node:

# deployment.yaml
- name: POD_IP
      fieldPath: status.podIP

Then, set the name of Erlang node by using the exposed environment variables. If you use mix releases, you can configure the required options in rel/

# rel/
export RELEASE_NODE=<%= %>@${POD_IP}

export RELEASE_DISTRIBUTION=name will append a -name option to the start command directly and requires no further changes to the vm.args.


In this mode, the hostname is used directly. The longname will be something like:


Getting :hostname mode to work requires:

  1. deploying pods as a StatefulSet (otherwise, hostname is not set for pods)
  2. setting :kubernetes_service_name to the name of the Kubernetes service that is being lookup
  3. setting the name of Erlang node according to hostname of pods

Then, set the name of Erlang node by using the hostname of pod. If you use mix releases, you can configure the required options in rel/

# rel/
export RELEASE_NODE=<%= %>@$(hostname -f)

hostname -f returns the whole FQDN, which is something like: $(hostname).${SERVICE_NAME}.${NAMESPACE}.svc.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}".


In this mode, an IP-based pod A record is used. The longname will be something like:


Getting :dns mode to work requires:

  1. exposing pod IP from Kubernetes to the Erlang node
  2. setting the name of Erlang node according to the exposed information

First, expose required information from Kubernetes as environment variables of Erlang node:

# deployment.yaml
      fieldPath: metadata.namespace
- name: POD_IP
      fieldPath: status.podIP

Then, set the name of Erlang node by using the exposed environment variables. If you use mix releases, you can configure the required options in rel/

# rel/
export POD_A_RECORD=$(echo $POD_IP | sed 's/./-/g')
export CLUSTER_DOMAIN=cluster.local  # modify this value according to your actual situation

Which mode is the best one?

There is no best, only the best for you:

  • If you're not using a StatefulSet, use :ip or :dns.
  • If you're using a StatefulSet, use :hostname.

And, there is one thing that can be taken into consideration. When using :ip or :dns, you can establish a remote shell (as well as run observer) by using kubectl port-forward in combination with some entries in /etc/hosts.

Polling Interval

The default interval to sync topologies is 5000 (5 seconds). You can configure it with :polling_interval option.

Getting cluster information

In general, you don't need to read this, the default values will work.

This strategy fetchs information of endpoints or pods by accessing the REST API provided by Kubernetes.

The base URL of the REST API has two parts:


<master_name> is configured by following options:

  • :kubernetes_master - the default value is kubernetes.default.svc

<cluster_domain> is configured by following options and environment variables:

  • :kubernetes_cluster_name - the default value is cluster, and the final cluster domain will be <cluster_name>.local
  • CLUSTER_DOMAIN - when this environment variable is provided, :kubernetes_cluster_name will be ignored

<master_name> and <cluster_domain> also affect each other, checkout the source code for more details.

Besides the base URL of the REST API, a service account must be provided. The service account is configured by following options:

  • :kubernetes_service_account_path - the default value is /var/run/secrets/

An example configuration

config :libcluster,
  topologies: [
    erlang_nodes_in_k8s: [
      strategy: Elixir.Cluster.Strategy.Kubernetes,
      config: [
        mode: :ip,
        kubernetes_node_basename: "myapp",
        kubernetes_selector: "app=myapp",
        kubernetes_namespace: "my_namespace",
        polling_interval: 10_000



Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Callback implementation for Cluster.Strategy.start_link/1.


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

Callback implementation for Cluster.Strategy.start_link/1.