View Source Cluster.Strategy behaviour (libcluster v3.4.1)

This module defines the behaviour for implementing clustering strategies.



Given a list of node names, attempts to connect to all of them. Returns :ok if all nodes connected, or {:error, [{node, reason}, ..]} if we failed to connect to some nodes.

Given a list of node names, attempts to disconnect from all of them. Returns :ok if all nodes disconnected, or {:error, [{node, reason}, ..]} if we failed to disconnect from some nodes.


@type bad_nodes() :: [{node(), reason :: term()}]
@type mfa_tuple() :: {module(), atom(), [term()]}
@type strategy_args() :: [Cluster.Strategy.State.t()]
@type topology() :: atom()


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@callback child_spec(strategy_args()) :: Supervisor.child_spec()
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@callback start_link(strategy_args()) ::
  {:ok, pid()} | :ignore | {:error, reason :: term()}


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connect_nodes(topology, connect, list_nodes, nodes)

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@spec connect_nodes(topology(), mfa_tuple(), mfa_tuple(), [atom()]) ::
  :ok | {:error, bad_nodes()}

Given a list of node names, attempts to connect to all of them. Returns :ok if all nodes connected, or {:error, [{node, reason}, ..]} if we failed to connect to some nodes.

All failures are logged.

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disconnect_nodes(topology, disconnect, list_nodes, nodes)

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@spec disconnect_nodes(topology(), mfa_tuple(), mfa_tuple(), [atom()]) ::
  :ok | {:error, bad_nodes()}

Given a list of node names, attempts to disconnect from all of them. Returns :ok if all nodes disconnected, or {:error, [{node, reason}, ..]} if we failed to disconnect from some nodes.

All failures are logged.