View Source API Reference liquex v0.13.1



A Liquid template parser for Elixir.

Default file system that throws an error when trying to call render within a template.

Caching behaviour attached to a Liquex.Context.

Default caching system for Liquex. Always runs the given function and never stores the results.

Basic caching system that uses ETS.

Context keeps the variable stack and resolves variables, as well as keywords. It also keeps configuration information needed to render a Liquid template, such as filters and the file system.

Behaviour for file system access used by the render tag.

Contains all the basic filters for Liquid

This implements an abstract file system which retrieves template files named in a manner similar to liquid, ie. with the template name prefixed with an underscore. The extension ".liquid" is also added.

Liquid parser

Helper parsers for parsing fields

Helper parsers for parsing literal values in Liquid

Helper methods for parsing object tags and arguments used by objects

Helper methods for parsing tags

Helper methods for maps

Behaviour for building a tag parser and renderer in Liquex.

Creates a new named variable.

Causes the loop to stop iterating when it encounters the break tag.

Captures the string inside of the opening and closing tags and assigns it to a variable. Variables created using capture are stored as strings.

Creates a switch statement to execute a particular block of code when a variable has a specified value. case initializes the switch statement, and when statements define the various conditions.

Allows you to leave un-rendered code inside a Liquid template. Any text within the opening and closing comment blocks will not be printed, and any Liquid code within will not be executed.

Causes the loop to skip the current iteration when it encounters the continue tag.

Loops through a group of strings and prints them in the order that they were passed as arguments. Each time cycle is called, the next string argument is printed.

Outputs an expression in the rendered HTML. This is identical to wrapping an expression in {{ and }}, but works inside liquid tags and supports filters.

Repeatedly executes a block of code. For a full list of attributes available within a for loop, see forloop (object).

Executes a block of code only if a certain condition is true.


Creates and outputs a new number variable with initial value 0. On subsequent calls, it increases its value by one and outputs the new value.

A tag that allows for inline comments using the # character.


Encloses multiple tags within one set of delimiters, to allow writing Liquid logic more concisely.

Objects contain the content that Liquid displays on a page. Objects and variables are displayed when enclosed in double curly braces: {{ and }}.

Temporarily disables tag processing. This is useful for generating certain content that uses conflicting syntax, such as Mustache or Handlebars.

Insert the rendered content of another template within the current template.

Generates an HTML table. Must be wrapped in opening <table> and closing

The opposite of if – executes a block of code only if a certain condition is not met.