View Source Matcha.Rewrite (Matcha v0.1.10)

About rewrites.

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Link to this section Types

@type ast() :: Macro.t()
@type t() :: %Matcha.Rewrite{
  bindings: %{
    vars: %{required(var_ref()) => var_binding()},
    count: non_neg_integer()
  context: Matcha.Context.t() | nil,
  env: Macro.Env.t(),
  source: Macro.t()
@type var_ast() :: {atom(), list(), atom() | nil}
@type var_binding() :: atom() | var_ast()
@type var_ref() :: atom()

Link to this section Functions

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ast_to_pattern_source(rewrite, pattern)

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ast_to_spec_source(rewrite, spec)

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@spec binding(t(), var_ref()) :: var_binding()
@spec bound?(t(), var_ref()) :: boolean()
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outer_var?(rewrite, arg2)

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@spec outer_var?(t(), var_ast()) :: boolean()
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pattern_to_spec(context, pattern)

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@spec pattern_to_spec(Matcha.Context.t(), Matcha.Pattern.t()) ::
  {:ok, Matcha.Spec.t()} | {:error, Matcha.Error.problems()}
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perform_expansion(ast, env)

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@spec problem({type, description}) :: Matcha.Error.problem()
when type: :error | :warning, description: charlist() | binary()
@spec problems(problems) :: Matcha.Error.problems()
when problems: [{type, description}],
     type: :error | :warning,
     description: charlist() | binary()
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rewrite_bindings(spec, ast)

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@spec rewrite_bindings(t(), Macro.t()) :: Macro.t()
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rewrite_body(rewrite, ast)

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@spec rewrite_body(t(), Macro.t()) :: Macro.t()
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rewrite_calls(ast, rewrite)

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@spec rewrite_calls(Macro.t(), t()) :: Macro.t()
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rewrite_conditions(rewrite, conditions)

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@spec rewrite_conditions(t(), Macro.t()) :: Macro.t()
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rewrite_match(rewrite, match)

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@spec rewrite_match(t(), Macro.t()) :: Macro.t()
@spec source(t()) :: Matcha.Source.uncompiled()
@spec spec_to_pattern(Matcha.Spec.t()) ::
  {:ok, Matcha.Pattern.t()} | {:error, Matcha.Error.problems()}
@spec spec_to_pattern!(Matcha.Spec.t()) :: Matcha.Pattern.t() | no_return()