Meeseeks.Document (Meeseeks v0.17.0) View Source

A Meeseeks.Document represents a flattened, queryable view of an HTML document in which:

  • The nodes (element, comment, or text) have been provided an id
  • Parent-child relationships have been made explicit


The actual contents of a document become quickly unwieldy in iex, so the inspect value of a document is always #Meeseeks.Document<{...}> regardless of the content. The example below ignores this fact for educational purposes.

tuple_tree = {"html", [],
               [{"head", [], []},
                {"body", [],
                 [{"h1", [{"id", "greeting"}], ["Hello, World!"]},
                  {"div", [], [
                      {"p", [], ["1"]},
                      {"p", [], ["2"]},
                      {"p", [], ["3"]}]}]}]}

document = Meeseeks.parse(tuple_tree, :tuple_tree)
#=> %Meeseeks.Document{
#      id_counter: 12,
#      roots: [1],
#      nodes: %{
#        1 => %Meeseeks.Document.Element{attributes: [], children: [3, 2],
#         id: 1, namespace: nil, parent: nil, tag: "html"},
#        2 => %Meeseeks.Document.Element{attributes: [], children: [], id: 2,
#         namespace: nil, parent: 1, tag: "head"},
#        3 => %Meeseeks.Document.Element{attributes: [], children: [6, 4], id: 3,
#         namespace: nil, parent: 1, tag: "body"},
#        4 => %Meeseeks.Document.Element{attributes: [{"id", "greeting"}],
#         children: [5], id: 4, namespace: nil, parent: 3, tag: "h1"},
#        5 => %Meeseeks.Document.Text{content: "Hello, World!", id: 5, parent: 4},
#        6 => %Meeseeks.Document.Element{attributes: [], children: [7, 9, 11],
#         id: 6, namespace: nil, parent: 3, tag: "div"},
#        7 => %Meeseeks.Document.Element{attributes: [], children: [8], id: 7,
#         namespace: nil, parent: 6, tag: "p"},
#        8 => %Meeseeks.Document.Text{content: "1", id: 8, parent: 7},
#        9 => %Meeseeks.Document.Element{attributes: [], children: [10], id: 9,
#         namespace: nil, parent: 6, tag: "p"},
#        10 => %Meeseeks.Document.Text{content: "2", id: 10, parent: 9},
#        11 => %Meeseeks.Document.Element{attributes: [], children: [12], id: 11,
#         namespace: nil, parent: 6, tag: "p"},
#        12 => %Meeseeks.Document.Text{content: "3", id: 12, parent: 11}}}

Meeseeks.Document.children(document, 6)
#=> [7, 9, 11]

Meeseeks.Document.descendants(document, 6)
#=> [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]

Link to this section Summary


Returns the node ids of node_id's ancestors in the context of the document.

Returns the node ids of node_id's children in the context of the document.

Deletes the node referenced by node_id and all its descendants from the document.

Returns the node ids of node_id's descendants in the context of the document.

Checks if a node_id refers to a Meeseeks.Document.Element in the context of the document.

Returns a tuple of {:ok, node}, where node is the node referred to by node_id in the context of the document, or :error.

Returns the node referred to by node_id in the context of the document, or nil.

Returns all of the document's node ids.

Returns all of the document's nodes.

Returns a list of nodes referred to by node_ids in the context of the document.

Returns all of the document's root ids.

Returns all of the document's root nodes.

Returns the HTML of the document.

Returns the node ids of the siblings that come after node_id in the context of the document.

Returns the node id of node_id's parent in the context of the document, or nil if node_id does not have a parent.

Returns the node ids of the siblings that come before node_id in the context of the document.

Returns the node ids of node_id's siblings in the context of the document.

Returns the Meeseeks.TupleTree of the document.

Link to this section Types


node_id() :: integer()


node_t() :: Meeseeks.Document.Node.t()


t() :: %Meeseeks.Document{
  id_counter: node_id() | nil,
  nodes: %{optional(node_id()) => node_t()},
  roots: [node_id()]

Link to this section Functions

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ancestors(document, node_id)

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ancestors(t(), node_id()) :: [node_id()] | no_return()

Returns the node ids of node_id's ancestors in the context of the document.

Returns the ancestors in reverse order: [parent, grandparent, ...]

Raises if node_id does not exist in the document.

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children(document, node_id)

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children(t(), node_id()) :: [node_id()] | no_return()

Returns the node ids of node_id's children in the context of the document.

Returns all children, not just those that are Meeseeks.Document.Elements.

Returns children in depth-first order.

Raises if node_id does not exist in the document.

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delete_node(document, node_id)

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delete_node(t(), node_id()) :: t() | no_return()

Deletes the node referenced by node_id and all its descendants from the document.

Raises if node_id does not exist in the document.

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descendants(document, node_id)

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descendants(t(), node_id()) :: [node_id()] | no_return()

Returns the node ids of node_id's descendants in the context of the document.

Returns all descendants, not just those that are Meeseeks.Document.Elements.

Returns descendants in depth-first order.

Raises if node_id does not exist in the document.

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element?(document, node_id)

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element?(t(), node_id()) :: boolean() | no_return()

Checks if a node_id refers to a Meeseeks.Document.Element in the context of the document.

Raises if node_id does not exist in the document.

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fetch_node(document, node_id)

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fetch_node(t(), node_id()) :: {:ok, node_t()} | {:error, Meeseeks.Error.t()}

Returns a tuple of {:ok, node}, where node is the node referred to by node_id in the context of the document, or :error.

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get_node(document, node_id)

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get_node(t(), node_id()) :: node_t() | nil

Returns the node referred to by node_id in the context of the document, or nil.


get_node_ids(t()) :: [node_id()]

Returns all of the document's node ids.

Returns node ids in depth-first order.


get_nodes(t()) :: [node_t()] | no_return()

Returns all of the document's nodes.

Returns nodes in depth-first order.

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get_nodes(document, node_ids)

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get_nodes(t(), [node_id()]) :: [node_t()] | no_return()

Returns a list of nodes referred to by node_ids in the context of the document.

Returns nodes in the same order as node_ids.

Raises if any id in node_ids does not exist in the document.


get_root_ids(t()) :: [node_id()]

Returns all of the document's root ids.

Returns root ids in depth-first order.

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get_root_nodes(t()) :: [node_t()]

Returns all of the document's root nodes.

Returns nodes in depth-first order.

Returns the HTML of the document.

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next_siblings(document, node_id)

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next_siblings(t(), node_id()) :: [node_id()] | no_return()

Returns the node ids of the siblings that come after node_id in the context of the document.

Returns all of these siblings, not just those that are Meeseeks.Document.Elements.

Returns siblings in depth-first order.

Raises if node_id does not exist in the document.

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parent(document, node_id)

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parent(t(), node_id()) :: node_id() | nil | no_return()

Returns the node id of node_id's parent in the context of the document, or nil if node_id does not have a parent.

Raises if node_id does not exist in the document.

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previous_siblings(document, node_id)

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previous_siblings(t(), node_id()) :: [node_id()] | no_return()

Returns the node ids of the siblings that come before node_id in the context of the document.

Returns all of these siblings, not just those that are Meeseeks.Document.Elements.

Returns siblings in depth-first order.

Raises if node_id does not exist in the document.

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siblings(document, node_id)

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siblings(t(), node_id()) :: [node_id()] | no_return()

Returns the node ids of node_id's siblings in the context of the document.

Returns all siblings, including node_id itself, and not just those that are Meeseeks.Document.Elements.

Returns siblings in depth-first order.

Raises if node_id does not exist in the document.

Returns the Meeseeks.TupleTree of the document.