API Reference Meeseeks v0.17.0


Meeseeks is an Elixir library for parsing and extracting data from HTML and XML with CSS or XPath selectors.

Accumulator structs package some means of storing nodes selected during the selection process along with a method for checking if the selection should be terminated early and a method for returning the stored nodes.

Compile CSS selector syntax into Meeseeks.Selectors.

Context is available to both Meeseek's selection process and each individual selector, and allows for selectors to build state (or receive state from the selection mechanism).

A Meeseeks.Document represents a flattened, queryable view of an HTML document in which

Meeseeks.Error provides a generic error struct implementing the Exception behaviour and containing three keys: type, reason, and metadata.

Results are the product of running selections on a document, and package together a node id and the Meeseeks.Document for which that id is valid.

Selector structs package some method of checking if a node matches some condition with an optional Meeseeks.Selector.Combinator, an optional list of filter selectors, and an optional method of validating the Selector.

Combinator structs package some method for finding related nodes and a Meeseeks.Selector to be run on found nodes.

HTML documents in Elixir/Erlang have traditionally been represented by a tuple tree like

Compile XPath 1.0 selector syntax into Meeseeks.Selectors.