Mux v3.2.1 Mux.Video.PlaybackIds View Source

This module provides functions around managing Playback IDs in Mux Video. Playback IDs are the public identifier for streaming a piece of content and can include policies such as signed or public. API Documentation.

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Retrieve a asset or live stream identifier by Playback ID.

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get(client, playback_id)

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Retrieve a asset or live stream identifier by Playback ID.

Returns {:ok, playback_id_full, raw_env}.


iex> client ="my_token_id", "my_token_secret")
iex> {:ok, playback_id_full, _env} = Mux.Video.PlaybackIds.get(client, "FRDDXsjcNgD013rx1M4CDunZ86xkq8A02hfF3b6XAa7iE")
iex> playback_id_full
%{"id" => "7IxC7stYLro5Z4nEs97J02OkLEKFME6mvhnuRJybhRKU", "object" => %{"id" => "ZXs9U1Wqr3C4GBVCOYRQOA00lLtijnVhehJIb8tlDzL00", "type" => "live_stream"}, "policy" => "public"}