View Source Nostrum.Cache.UserCache behaviour (Nostrum v0.8.0)
Cache behaviour & dispatcher for users.
You can call the functions provided by this module independent of which cache is configured, and it will dispatch to the configured cache implementation.
By default, Elixir.Nostrum.Cache.UserCache.ETS will be used for caching users.
You can override this in the :caches
option of the :nostrum
by setting the :users
field to a different module implementing the behaviour
defined by this module.
See the documentation for the Nostrum.Cache.GuildCache
module for more details.
Link to this section Summary
Bulk add multiple users to the cache at once.
Retrieve the child specification for starting this mapping under a supervisor.
Add a new user to the cache based on the Discord Gateway payload.
Delete a user by ID.
Return a query handle for usage with :qlc
Update a user in the cache based on payload sent via the Gateway.
A function that should wrap any :qlc
Retrieves a user from the cache by id.
Same as get/1
, but raises Nostrum.Error.CacheError
in case of a failure.
Call query_handle/0
on the configured cache.
Call wrap_qlc/1
on the given cache, if implemented.
Link to this section Callbacks
@callback bulk_create(user_payloads :: Enum.t()) :: :ok
Bulk add multiple users to the cache at once.
Returns :ok
@callback child_spec(term()) :: Supervisor.child_spec()
Retrieve the child specification for starting this mapping under a supervisor.
@callback create(payload :: map()) :: Nostrum.Struct.User.t()
Add a new user to the cache based on the Discord Gateway payload.
Returns a Nostrum.Struct.User.t/0
struct representing the created user.
@callback delete(snowflake :: :: :noop | Nostrum.Struct.User.t()
Delete a user by ID.
Returns the deleted user if present in the cache, or
if the user was not cached.
@callback query_handle() :: :qlc.query_handle()
Return a query handle for usage with :qlc
This is used by nostrum to provide automatic joins between the member and the user cache, and may be used for other functions in the future.
The Erlang manual on Implementing a QLC Table contains examples for implementation.
The query handle must return items in the form {user_id, user}
, where
is a
and user
is a
@callback update(payload :: map()) :: {Nostrum.Struct.User.t() | nil, Nostrum.Struct.User.t()}
Update a user in the cache based on payload sent via the Gateway.
Returns :noop
if the user has not been updated in the cache, or
{old_user, new_user}
is the user has been written to the cache.
@callback wrap_qlc((() -> result)) :: result when result: term()
A function that should wrap any :qlc
If you implement a cache that is backed by a database and want to perform
cleanup and teardown actions such as opening and closing connections,
managing transactions and so on, you want to implement this function. Nostrum
will then effectively call wrap_qlc(fn -> :qlc.e(...) end)
If your cache does not need any wrapping, you can omit this.
Link to this section Functions
@spec get(, module()) :: {:ok, Nostrum.Struct.User.t()} | {:error, atom()}
Retrieves a user from the cache by id.
This function can be called with the cache to use as an optional argument. By default, the cache configured at compile time is used.
case Nostrum.Cache.UserCache.get(1111222233334444) do
{:ok, user} ->
"We found " <> user.username
{:error, _reason} ->
"No es bueno"
@spec get!( :: no_return() | Nostrum.Struct.User.t()
Same as get/1
, but raises Nostrum.Error.CacheError
in case of a failure.
@spec query_handle() :: :qlc.query_handle()
Call query_handle/0
on the configured cache.
Call wrap_qlc/1
on the given cache, if implemented.
If no cache is given, calls out to the default cache.