View Source Nostrum.Struct.ApplicationCommandInteractionData (Nostrum v0.8.0)
Struct for interaction data.
Link to this section Summary
For components, the type
of the component
For Modal Sumbit interactions, this will contain the values the user submitted.
For components, the custom_id
of the component
ID of the invoked command
The type of application command invoked. Official reference:
Name of the invoked command
Parameters and values supplied by the user, if applicable
Converted users & roles & channels
For select menu components, this will be a list of the values the user selected.
Command interaction data for slash commands.
ID of the user or message targeted by a context menu command
Link to this section Types
@type component_type() :: integer() | nil
For components, the type
of the component
@type components() :: [Nostrum.Struct.Message.Component.t()] | nil
For Modal Sumbit interactions, this will contain the values the user submitted.
@type custom_id() :: String.t() | nil
For components, the custom_id
of the component
@type id() :: Nostrum.Snowflake.t() | nil
ID of the invoked command
@type interaction_type() :: integer() | nil
The type of application command invoked. Official reference:
@type name() :: String.t() | nil
Name of the invoked command
@type options() :: [Nostrum.Struct.ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption.t()] | nil
Parameters and values supplied by the user, if applicable
@type resolved() :: Nostrum.Struct.ApplicationCommandInteractionDataResolved.t() | nil
Converted users & roles & channels
@type select_values() :: [String.t()] | nil
For select menu components, this will be a list of the values the user selected.
@type t() :: %Nostrum.Struct.ApplicationCommandInteractionData{ component_type: component_type(), components: components(), custom_id: custom_id(), id: id(), name: name(), options: options(), resolved: resolved(), target_id: target_id(), type: interaction_type(), values: select_values() }
Command interaction data for slash commands.
Used as part of Nostrum.Struct.Interaction.t/0
Official reference:
@type target_id() :: Nostrum.Snowflake.t() | nil
ID of the user or message targeted by a context menu command