View Source Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Member (Nostrum v0.8.0)
Struct representing a Discord guild member.
A Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Member
stores a Nostrum.Struct.User
's properties
pertaining to a specific Nostrum.Struct.Guild
Mentioning Members in Messages
A Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Member
can be mentioned in message content using the String.Chars
protocol or mention/1
member = %Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Member{user_id: 120571255635181568}
Nostrum.Api.create_message!(184046599834435585, "#{member}")
%Nostrum.Struct.Message{content: "<@120571255635181568>"}
member = %Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Member{user_id: 89918932789497856}
Nostrum.Api.create_message!(280085880452939778, "#{Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Member.mention(member)}")
%Nostrum.Struct.Message{content: "<@89918932789497856>"}
Link to this section Summary
Current timeout status of the member.
Whether the member is deafened.
If you dont request offline guild members this field will be nil
for any members that come online.
Date the member joined the guild, as a unix timestamp.
If you dont request offline guild members this field will be nil
for any members that come online.
Whether the member is muted.
If you dont request offline guild members this field will be nil
for any members that come online.
The nickname of the member
Current guild booster status of the member.
A list of role ids
The user ID.
Returns a member's permissions in a guild channel, based on its Nostrum.Struct.Overwrite
Returns a member's guild permissions.
Formats a Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Member
into a mention.
Return the topmost role of the given member on the given guild.
Link to this section Types
@type communication_disabled_until() :: DateTime.t() | nil
Current timeout status of the member.
If member is currently timed out this will be a DateTime.t/0
of the
unmute time, it will be nil
or a date in the past if the member is not
currently timed out.
@type deaf() :: boolean() | nil
Whether the member is deafened.
If you dont request offline guild members this field will be nil
for any members that come online.
@type joined_at() :: pos_integer() | nil
Date the member joined the guild, as a unix timestamp.
If you dont request offline guild members this field will be nil
for any members that come online.
@type mute() :: boolean() | nil
Whether the member is muted.
If you dont request offline guild members this field will be nil
for any members that come online.
@type nick() :: String.t() | nil
The nickname of the member
@type roles() :: []
A list of role ids
@type t() :: %Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Member{ communication_disabled_until: communication_disabled_until(), deaf: deaf(), joined_at: joined_at(), mute: mute(), nick: nick(), premium_since: premium_since(), roles: roles(), user_id: user_id() }
@type user_id() :: | nil
The user ID.
This field can be nil
if the Member struct came as a partial Member object
included in a message received from a guild channel. To retrieve the user
object, use Nostrum.Cache.UserCache
Link to this section Functions
@spec guild_channel_permissions( t(), Nostrum.Struct.Guild.t(), ) :: [ Nostrum.Permission.t() ]
Returns a member's permissions in a guild channel, based on its Nostrum.Struct.Overwrite
guild = Nostrum.Cache.GuildCache.get!(279093381723062272)
member = Map.get(guild.members, 177888205536886784)
channel_id = 381889573426429952
Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Member.guild_channel_permissions(member, guild, channel_id)
#=> [:manage_messages]
@spec guild_permissions(t(), Nostrum.Struct.Guild.t()) :: [Nostrum.Permission.t()]
Returns a member's guild permissions.
guild = Nostrum.Cache.GuildCache.get!(279093381723062272)
member = Map.get(guild.members, 177888205536886784)
Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Member.guild_permissions(member, guild)
#=> [:administrator]
Formats a Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Member
into a mention.
iex> member = %Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Member{user_id: 177888205536886784}
...> Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Member.mention(member)
@spec top_role(t(), Nostrum.Struct.Guild.t()) :: Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Role.t() | nil
Return the topmost role of the given member on the given guild.
The topmost role is determined via t:Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Role.position
: The member whose top role to return.guild
: The guild which the member belongs to.
Return value
The topmost role of the member on the given guild, if the member has roles
assigned. Otherwise, nil
is returned.