View Source Nx.Defn.Tree (Nx v0.9.0)

Helper functions to traverse defn expressions, either as single nodes or in-depth.



Applies the given function to the arguments of the node, with the given accumulator as a starting value.

Check if the given tree has any of the given hooks in it.

Puts new args in the given tensor expression and gives it a new id.

Gets all IDs of all elements in the same scope.


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apply_args(expr, type \\ :all, acc, fun)

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Applies the given function to the arguments of the node, with the given accumulator as a starting value.

By default, type is :all, which means all arguments are traversed. If type is :scope, only expressions that are in the same scope are traversed. Therefore, expressions such as while's condition and body, optional's default implementation, functions, and so forth are not traversed. Note conds are always traversed because, while they introduce a new scope, they can also access its parents directly, so you must take conds into account accordingly.

Warning: be very careful when using this function to traverse the expression recursively. If you plan to do so, you should consider also storing the visited nodes to avoid multiple traversals by using as cache key.

Check if the given tree has any of the given hooks in it.

Puts new args in the given tensor expression and gives it a new id.

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scope_ids(expr, ids \\ %{})

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Gets all IDs of all elements in the same scope.

while's condition and body, fun's body and similar are considered different scopes. When it comes to cond, an ID will only be considered if it is used outside of the cond or used in several distinct conds. Constants are also ignored, as they have global IDs based on the constants themselves.

An existing map of ids can be given to accumulate on top of it.