Oban v2.0.0-rc.1 Oban.Job View Source

A Job is an Ecto schema used for asynchronous execution.

Job changesets are created by your application code and inserted into the database for asynchronous execution. Jobs can be inserted along with other application data as part of a transaction, which guarantees that jobs will only be triggered from a successful transaction.

Link to this section Summary


Construct a new job changeset ready for insertion into the database.

Convert a Job changeset into a map suitable for database insertion.

Link to this section Types


args() :: map()


errors() :: [%{at: DateTime.t(), attempt: pos_integer(), error: binary()}]


option() ::
  {:args, args()}
  | {:max_attempts, pos_integer()}
  | {:priority, pos_integer()}
  | {:queue, atom() | binary()}
  | {:schedule_in, pos_integer()}
  | {:scheduled_at, DateTime.t()}
  | {:tags, tags()}
  | {:unique, [unique_option()]}
  | {:worker, atom() | binary()}


t() :: %Oban.Job{
  __meta__: term(),
  args: args(),
  attempt: non_neg_integer(),
  attempted_at: DateTime.t(),
  attempted_by: [binary()],
  completed_at: DateTime.t(),
  discarded_at: DateTime.t(),
  errors: errors(),
  id: pos_integer(),
  inserted_at: DateTime.t(),
  max_attempts: pos_integer(),
  priority: pos_integer(),
  queue: binary(),
  scheduled_at: DateTime.t(),
  state: binary(),
  tags: tags(),
  unique: %{
    fields: [unique_field()],
    period: unique_period(),
    states: [unique_state()]
  unsaved_error: %{
    kind: atom(),
    reason: term(),
    stacktrace: Exception.stacktrace()
  worker: binary()


tags() :: [binary()]


unique_field() :: [:args | :queue | :worker]


unique_option() ::
  {:fields, [unique_field()]}
  | {:period, unique_period()}
  | {:states, [unique_state()]}


unique_period() :: pos_integer() | :infinity


unique_state() :: [
  :available | :scheduled | :executing | :retryable | :completed

Link to this section Functions

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new(args, opts \\ [])

View Source (since 0.1.0)


new(args(), [option()]) :: Ecto.Changeset.t()

Construct a new job changeset ready for insertion into the database.


  • :max_attempts — the maximum number of times a job can be retried if there are errors during execution
  • :priority — a numerical indicator from 0 to 3 of how important this job is relative to other jobs in the same queue. The lower the number, the higher priority the job.
  • :queue — a named queue to push the job into. Jobs may be pushed into any queue, regardless of whether jobs are currently being processed for the queue.
  • :schedule_in - the number of seconds until the job should be executed
  • :scheduled_at - a time in the future after which the job should be executed
  • :tags — a list of tags to group and organize related jobs, i.e. to identify scheduled jobs
  • :unique — a keyword list of options specifying how uniqueness will be calculated. The options define which fields will be used, for how long, and for which states.
  • :worker — a module to execute the job in. The module must implement the Oban.Worker behaviour.


Insert a job with the :default queue:

%{id: 1, user_id: 2}
|> Oban.Job.new(queue: :default, worker: MyApp.Worker)
|> Oban.insert()

Generate a pre-configured job for MyApp.Worker and push it:

%{id: 1, user_id: 2} |> MyApp.Worker.new() |> Oban.insert()

Schedule a job to run in 5 seconds:

%{id: 1} |> MyApp.Worker.new(schedule_in: 5) |> Oban.insert()

Insert a job, ensuring that it is unique within the past minute:

%{id: 1} |> MyApp.Worker.new(unique: [period: 60]) |> Oban.insert()

Insert a unique job based only on the worker field, and within multiple states:

fields = [:worker]
states = [:available, :scheduled, :executing, :retryable, :completed]

%{id: 1}
|> MyApp.Worker.new(unique: [fields: fields, period: 60, states: states])
|> Oban.insert()
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View Source (since 0.9.0)


to_map(Ecto.Changeset.t(t())) :: map()

Convert a Job changeset into a map suitable for database insertion.


Convert a worker generated changeset into a plain map:

%{id: 123}
|> MyApp.Worker.new()
|> Oban.Job.to_map()