
Querying the Jobs Table

Oban.Job defines an Ecto schema and the jobs table can therefore be queried as usual, e.g.:

  from j in Oban.Job,
    where: j.worker == "MyApp.Business",
    where: j.state == "discarded"


Elixir and Erlang versions

If your app crashes on launch, be sure to confirm you are running the correct version of Elixir and Erlang (view requirements). If using the hashnuke/elixir buildpack, you can update the elixir_buildpack.config file in your application's root directory to something like:

# Elixir version

# Erlang version

Available Erlang versions are available here.

Database connections

Make sure that you have enough available database connections when running on Heroku. Oban uses a database connection in order to listen for pubsub notifications. This is in addition to your Ecto Repo pool_size setting.

Heroku's Hobby tier Postgres plans have a maximum of 20 connections, so if you're using one of those plan accordingly.