View Source Oban.Worker behaviour (Oban v2.19.0)
Defines a behavior and macro to guide the creation of worker modules.
Worker modules do the work of processing a job. At a minimum they must define a perform/1
function, which is called with the full Oban.Job
Defining Workers
Worker modules are defined by using Oban.Worker
. use Oban.Worker
supports several options.
A bare use Oban.Worker
invocation sets a worker with these defaults:
— 20:priority
— 0:queue
— no tags set:replace
— no replacement set:unique
— no uniqueness set
To create a minimum worker using the defaults, including the default
defmodule MyApp.Workers.Basic do
use Oban.Worker
@impl Oban.Worker
def perform(%Oban.Job{args: args}) do
The following example defines a complex worker module to process jobs in the events
It then dials down the priority from 0
to 1
, limits retrying on failures to ten attempts,
adds a business
tag, and ensures that duplicate jobs aren't enqueued within a
30 second period:
defmodule MyApp.Workers.Business do
use Oban.Worker,
queue: :events,
priority: 1,
max_attempts: 10,
tags: ["business"],
replace: [scheduled: [:scheduled_at]],
unique: [period: 30]
@impl Oban.Worker
def perform(%Oban.Job{attempt: attempt}) when attempt > 3 do
def perform(job) do
Options at Compile-Time
Like all use
macros, options are defined at compile time. Avoid using
to define worker options. Instead, pass dynamic options at runtime
by passing them to the worker's new/2
function:, queue: dynamic_queue)
The perform/1
function receives an Oban.Job
struct as an argument. This allows workers to
change the behavior of perform/1
based on attributes of the job, such as the args, number of
execution attempts, or when it was inserted.
The value returned from perform/1
can control whether the job is a success or a failure:
or{:ok, value}
— the job is successful and marked ascompleted
. Thevalue
from success tuples is ignored.{:cancel, reason}
— cancel executing the job and stop retrying it. An error is recorded using the providedreason
. The job is marked ascancelled
.{:error, error}
— the job failed, record the error. Ifmax_attempts
has not been reached already, the job is marked asretryable
and scheduled to run again. Otherwise, the job is marked asdiscarded
and won't be retried.{:snooze, seconds}
— mark the job assnoozed
and schedule it to run againseconds
in the future. See Snoozing for more details.
In addition to explicit return values, any unhandled exception, exit or throw will fail
the job and schedule a retry under the same conditions as in the {:error, error}
As an example of error tuple handling, this worker will return an error tuple when the value
is less than one:
defmodule MyApp.Workers.ErrorExample do
use Oban.Worker
@impl Worker
def perform(%{args: %{"value" => value}}) do
if value > 1 do
{:error, "invalid value given: " <> inspect(value)}
The error tuple is wrapped in an Oban.PerformError
with a formatted message. The error tuple
itself is available through the exception's :reason
Enqueuing Jobs
All workers implement a new/2
function that converts an args map into a job changeset
suitable for inserting into the database for later execution:
%{in_the: "business", of_doing: "business"}
|> Oban.insert()
The worker's defaults may be overridden by passing options:
%{vote_for: "none of the above"}
|> "special", max_attempts: 5)
|> Oban.insert()
Uniqueness options may also be overridden by passing options:
%{expensive: "business"}
|> [period: 120, fields: [:worker]])
|> Oban.insert()
options aren't merged, they are overridden entirely.
You can also insert multiple jobs within a single transaction—see
Jobs that are inserted are executed as soon as possible by default. If you need to schedule jobs in the future, see the guide for Scheduling Jobs.
See Oban.Job
for all available options, and the
Job Uniqueness guide for more information about unique jobs.
Customizing Backoff
When jobs fail they may be retried again in the future using a backoff algorithm. By default the backoff is exponential with a fixed padding of 15 seconds and a small amount of jitter. The jitter helps to prevent jobs that fail simultaneously from consistently retrying at the same time. With the default backoff behavior the 20th attempt will occur around 12 days after the 19th attempt, and a total of 25 days after the first attempt.
If the default strategy is too aggressive or otherwise unsuited to your app's workload you can
define a custom backoff function using the backoff/1
The following worker defines a backoff/1
function that delays retries using a variant of the
historic Resque/Sidekiq algorithm:
defmodule MyApp.SidekiqBackoffWorker do
use Oban.Worker
@impl Worker
def backoff(%Job{attempt: attempt}) do
trunc(:math.pow(attempt, 4) + 15 + :rand.uniform(30) * attempt)
@impl Worker
def perform(_job) do
Here are some alternative backoff strategies to consider:
- constant — delay by a fixed number of seconds, e.g. 1→15, 2→15, 3→15
- linear — delay for the same number of seconds as the current attempt, e.g. 1→1, 2→2, 3→3
- squared — delay by attempt number squared, e.g. 1→1, 2→4, 3→9
- sidekiq — delay by a base amount plus some jitter, e.g. 1→32, 2→61, 3→135
Contextual Backoff
Any error, catch or throw is temporarily recorded in the job's unsaved_error
map. The unsaved
error map can be used by backoff/1
to calculate a custom backoff based on the exact error
that failed the job. In this example the backoff/1
callback checks to see if the error was
due to rate limiting and adjusts the backoff accordingly:
defmodule MyApp.ApiWorker do
use Oban.Worker
@five_minutes 5 * 60
@impl Worker
def perform(%{args: args}) do
@impl Worker
def backoff(%Job{attempt: attempt, unsaved_error: unsaved_error}) do
%{kind: _, reason: reason, stacktrace: _} = unsaved_error
case reason do
%MyApp.ApiError{status: 429} -> @five_minutes
_ -> trunc(:math.pow(attempt, 4))
Execution Timeout
By default, individual jobs may execute indefinitely. If this is undesirable you may define a
timeout in milliseconds with the timeout/1
callback on your worker module.
For example, to limit a worker's execution time to 30 seconds:
def MyApp.Worker do
use Oban.Worker
@impl Oban.Worker
def perform(_job) do
@impl Oban.Worker
def timeout(_job), do: :timer.seconds(30)
The timeout/1
function accepts an Oban.Job
struct, so you can customize the timeout using
any job attributes.
For example, you can define the timeout
value through job args:
def timeout(%_{args: %{"timeout" => timeout}}), do: timeout
Or you can define the timeout
based on the number of attempts:
def timeout(%_{attempt: attempt}), do: attempt * :timer.seconds(5)
If the job fails to execute before the timeout period then it will error with a dedicated
exception. Timeouts are treated like any other failure and the job will be
retried as usual if more attempts are available.
Snoozing Jobs
When returning {:snooze, snooze_time}
in perform/1
, the job is postponed for at least
seconds. Snoozing is done by incrementing the job's max_attempts
field and
scheduling execution for snooze_time
seconds in the future.
Executing bumps a job's attempt
count. Despite snooze incrementing the max_attempts
preserve total retries, the change to attempt
will affect the default backoff retry
🌟 Snoozes and Attempts
Oban Pro's Smart Engine rolls back
the attempt
and preserves the original max_attempts
in order to differentiate between
"real" attempts and snoozes, which keeps backoff calculation accurate.
Without attempt correction you may need a solution that compensates for snoozing, such as the example below:
defmodule MyApp.SnoozingWorker do
@max_attempts 20
use Oban.Worker, max_attempts: @max_attempts
@impl Worker
def backoff(%Job{} = job) do
corrected_attempt = @max_attempts - (job.max_attempts - job.attempt)
Worker.backoff(%{job | attempt: corrected_attempt})
@impl Worker
def perform(job) do
if MyApp.something?(job), do: :ok, else: {:snooze, 60}
Workers in A Different Application
Occasionally, you may need to insert a job for a worker that exists in another
application. In that case you can use
to build the changeset
%{id: 1, user_id: 2}
|> :default, worker: OtherApp.Worker)
|> Oban.insert()
Prioritizing Jobs
Normally, all available jobs within a queue are executed in the order they were scheduled.
You can override the normal behavior and prioritize or de-prioritize a job by
assigning a numerical :priority
- Priorities from
are allowed, where0
is the highest priority and9
is the lowest. - The default priority is
; unless specified, all jobs have an equally high priority. - All jobs with a higher priority will execute before any jobs with a lower priority. Jobs with the same priority are executed in their scheduled order.
Caveats & Guidelines
The default priority is defined in the jobs
table. The least intrusive way to change
it for all jobs is to change the column default through a migration:
alter table("oban_jobs") do
modify :priority, :integer, default: 1, from: {:integer, default: 0}
Calculate the execution backoff.
Build a job changeset for this worker with optional overrides.
The perform/1
function is called to execute a job.
Set a job's maximum execution time in milliseconds.
@type result() :: :ok | :discard | {:cancel, reason :: term()} | {:discard, reason :: term()} | {:ok, ignored :: term()} | {:error, reason :: term()} | {:snooze, seconds :: non_neg_integer()}
Return values control whether a job is treated as a success or a failure.
- the job is successful and marked ascompleted
.{:ok, ignored}
- the job is successful, marked ascompleted
, and the return value is ignored.{:cancel, reason}
- the job is marked ascancelled
for the provided reason and no longer retried.{:error, reason}
- the job is marked asretryable
for the provided reason, ordiscarded
if it has exhausted all attempts.{:snooze, seconds}
- mark the job asscheduled
to run againseconds
in the future.
- deprecated, use{:cancel, reason}
instead.{:discard, reason}
- deprecated, use{:cancel, reason}
@type t() :: module()
@callback backoff(job :: Oban.Job.t()) :: non_neg_integer()
Calculate the execution backoff.
In this context backoff specifies the number of seconds to wait before retrying a failed job.
Defaults to an exponential algorithm with a minimum delay of 15 seconds and a small amount of jitter.
@callback new(args :: Oban.Job.args(), opts :: [Oban.Job.option()]) :: Oban.Job.changeset()
Build a job changeset for this worker with optional overrides.
for the available options.
@callback perform(job :: Oban.Job.t()) :: result()
The perform/1
function is called to execute a job.
Each perform/1
function should return :ok
or a success tuple. When the return is an error
tuple, an uncaught exception or a throw then the error is recorded and the job may be retried if
there are any attempts remaining.
Are Stored as JSON
The args
map provided to perform/1
will always have string keys, regardless of
the key type when the job was enqueued. The args
are stored as jsonb
in PostgreSQL and the
serialization process automatically stringifies all keys. Because args
are always encoded
as JSON, you must also ensure that all values are serializable, otherwise you'll have
encoding errors when inserting jobs.
@callback timeout(job :: Oban.Job.t()) :: :infinity | pos_integer()
Set a job's maximum execution time in milliseconds.
Jobs that exceed the time limit are considered a failure and may be retried.
Defaults to :infinity
@spec from_string(String.t()) :: {:ok, module()} | {:error, Exception.t()}
Resolve a module from a worker string.
iex> Oban.Worker.from_string("Oban.Integration.Worker")
{:ok, Oban.Integration.Worker}
iex> defmodule NotAWorker, do: []
...> Oban.Worker.from_string("NotAWorker")
{:error, %RuntimeError{message: "module is not a worker: NotAWorker"}}
iex> Oban.Worker.from_string("RandomWorker")
{:error, %RuntimeError{message: "unknown worker: RandomWorker"}}
Return a string representation of a worker module.
This is particularly useful for normalizing worker names when building custom Ecto queries.
iex> Oban.Worker.to_string(MyApp.SomeWorker)
iex> Oban.Worker.to_string(Elixir.MyApp.SomeWorker)
iex> Oban.Worker.to_string("Elixir.MyApp.SomeWorker")