View Source otel_attributes (opentelemetry_api v1.3.0)

Functions to work with Attributes.

An Attribute is a key-value pair with string or atom keys. See the specification.

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Returns the count of dropped attributes in the given Attributes.

Checks whether the given key-value pair makes for a valid attribute.

Returns the Attributes in the form of a map.

Creates a new Attributes from Pairs with the given count and value length limits.

Sets the given key-value pairs in the given Attributes. Overrides the existing value for a given key if it already exists in Attributes.

Sets the given key-value pair in the given Attributes.

Link to this section Types

-type t() :: #attributes{}.

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Returns the count of dropped attributes in the given Attributes.
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is_valid_attribute(Key, Value)

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-spec is_valid_attribute(opentelemetry:attribute_key(), opentelemetry:attribute_value()) -> boolean().

Checks whether the given key-value pair makes for a valid attribute.

For example:
  otel_attributes:is_valid_attribute(<<"key">>, <<"value">>).
  %=> true
  otel_attributes:is_valid_attribute(atom_key, <<"value">>).
  %=> true
  otel_attributes:is_valid_attribute(123, <<"value">>).
  %=> false
-spec map(t()) -> map().

Returns the Attributes in the form of a map.

For example:
  otel_attributes:new([], 10, 10),
  otel_attributes:set(<<"key">>, <<"value">>, Attributes),
  %=> #{<<"key">> => <<"value">>}
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new(Pairs, CountLimit, ValueLengthLimit)

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-spec new([opentelemetry:attribute()] | opentelemetry:attributes_map() | term(),
    integer() | infinity) ->

Creates a new Attributes from Pairs with the given count and value length limits.

Pairs can be a list of key-value pairs or a map. If Pairs is not a list or map, the function returns an empty Attributes.
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set(NewListOrMap, Attributes)

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-spec set([opentelemetry:attribute()] | opentelemetry:attributes_map() | term(), t()) -> t().

Sets the given key-value pairs in the given Attributes. Overrides the existing value for a given key if it already exists in Attributes.

NewListOrMap can be a list of key-value pairs or a map. If NewListOrMap is not a list or map, the function returns Attributes as is. Returns the updated Attributes.
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set(Key, Value, Attributes)

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Sets the given key-value pair in the given Attributes.

Overrides the existing value under Key if Key already exists. Returns the updated Attributes.