otel_propagator_text_map_composite (OpenTelemetry API v1.4.0)

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A Composite TextMap Propagator is a Propagator that performs run multiple TextMap Propagators in a specified order.

An example of creating a Composite TextMap Propagator to inject and extract Baggage and TraceContext:

  Propagator = otel_propagator_text_map_composite:create([trace_context, baggage]),
  otel_propagator_text_map:extract(Propagator, Carrier)



Create a new Composite TextMap Propagator.



-spec create([otel_propagator:builtin()]) -> otel_propagator:t().

Create a new Composite TextMap Propagator.

The Propagators list is a list of atoms that represent the suffix of the module name of the TextMap Propagator to be used.