otel_baggage (OpenTelemetry API v1.4.0)

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Baggage is used to annotate telemetry, adding context and information to metrics, traces, and logs. It is represented by a set of name/value pairs describing user-defined properties.

The baggage can be stored either in the current context (with set/1 or set/3, for example) or in an explicit Context (see otel_ctx).



An input key, that is, a key that is then converted to a UTF-8 binary.

An input value, that is, a value that is then converted to a UTF-8 binary.

The type for the baggage key, which is a UTF-8 binary.

The type for the baggage metadata, which is a list of UTF-8 binaries or a list of tuples of UTF-8 binaries (as key-value pairs).


The type for the baggage.

The type for the baggage value, which is a UTF-8 binary.


Clears the baggage, removing all the current key-value pairs.

Clears the baggage for the given context, removing all the current key-value pairs.

Returns the baggage from the process dictionary.

Returns the baggage for the given context.

Sets the given key-value pairs in the current baggage.

Sets the given key-value pair in the current baggage, or sets the given key-value pairs in the baggage for the given context.

Sets the given key-value pair in the current baggage (with the associated metadata), or sets the given key-value pair in the baggage for the given context.

Sets the given key-value pair in the baggage for the given context, with the associated metadata.

Sets the given key-value pairs in the baggage for the given context.

Sets the given key-value pair in the baggage for the given context.

Sets the given key-value pair in the baggage for the given context, with the associated metadata.



-type input_key() :: key() | unicode:charlist().

An input key, that is, a key that is then converted to a UTF-8 binary.


-type input_value() :: value() | unicode:charlist() | atom().

An input value, that is, a value that is then converted to a UTF-8 binary.


-type key() :: unicode:unicode_binary().

The type for the baggage key, which is a UTF-8 binary.


The type for the baggage metadata, which is a list of UTF-8 binaries or a list of tuples of UTF-8 binaries (as key-value pairs).


-type t() :: #{key() => {value(), metadata()}}.

The type for the baggage.


-type value() :: unicode:unicode_binary().

The type for the baggage value, which is a UTF-8 binary.



-spec clear() -> ok.

Clears the baggage, removing all the current key-value pairs.


-spec clear(otel_ctx:t()) -> otel_ctx:t().

Clears the baggage for the given context, removing all the current key-value pairs.


-spec get_all() -> t().

Returns the baggage from the process dictionary.


-spec get_all(otel_ctx:t()) -> t().

Returns the baggage for the given context.


-spec set(#{key() => value()} | [{key(), value()}]) -> ok.

Sets the given key-value pairs in the current baggage.

If you need to set metadata for the key-value pair, use set/3 instead.

set(Key, Value)

-spec set(otel_ctx:t() | input_key(),
          #{input_key() => input_value()} | [{input_key(), input_value()}] | input_value()) ->
             otel_ctx:t() | ok.

Sets the given key-value pair in the current baggage, or sets the given key-value pairs in the baggage for the given context.

Returns ok when using the set(Key, Value) form, or the updated context when using the set(Ctx, KeyValues) form.

set(Key, Value, Metadata)

-spec set(otel_ctx:t() | input_key(), input_key() | input_value(), input_value() | metadata()) ->
             otel_ctx:t() | ok.

Sets the given key-value pair in the current baggage (with the associated metadata), or sets the given key-value pair in the baggage for the given context.

Returns ok when using the set(Key, Value, Metadata) form, or the updated context when using the set(Ctx, Key, Value) form.

set(Ctx, Key, Value, Metadata)

-spec set(otel_ctx:t(), input_key(), input_value(), metadata()) -> otel_ctx:t().

Sets the given key-value pair in the baggage for the given context, with the associated metadata.

Returns the updated context.

set_to(Ctx, KeyValues)

-spec set_to(otel_ctx:t(), #{input_key() => input_value()} | [{input_key(), input_value()}]) ->

Sets the given key-value pairs in the baggage for the given context.

Returns the updated context.

set_to(Ctx, Key, Value)

-spec set_to(otel_ctx:t(), input_key(), input_value()) -> otel_ctx:t().

Sets the given key-value pair in the baggage for the given context.

Returns the updated context.

set_to(Ctx, Key, Value, Metadata)

-spec set_to(otel_ctx:t(), input_key(), input_value(), metadata()) -> otel_ctx:t().

Sets the given key-value pair in the baggage for the given context, with the associated metadata.

Returns the updated context.