View Source partisan_peer_service_client (partisan v5.0.0-rc.8)
Test harness specific.
Start and link to calling process. If the process is started and can get a connection it returns
{ok, pid()}
. Otherwise if it fails with {error, Reason :: any()}
-type optional(T) :: T | undefined.
-type state() :: #state{}.
Test harness specific.
If we're running a local test, we have to use the same IP address for every bind operation, but a different port instead of the standard port.-spec init(Args :: list()) -> {ok, state()} | {stop, Reason :: any()}.
-spec start_link(Peer :: partisan:node_spec(), ListenAddr :: partisan:listen_addr(), Channel :: partisan:channel(), ChannelOpts :: partisan:channel_opts(), From :: pid()) -> {ok, pid()} | ignore | {error, Reason :: any()}.
{ok, pid()}
. Otherwise if it fails with {error, Reason :: any()}
-spec terminate(term(), state()) -> term().