View Source partisan_plumtree_util (partisan v5.0.0-rc.8)



Convert a list of elements into an N-ary tree. This conversion works by treating the list as an array-based tree where, for example in a binary 2-ary tree, a node at index i has children 2i and 2i+1. The conversion also supports a "cycles" mode where the array is logically wrapped around to ensure leaf nodes also have children by giving them backedges to other elements.


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build_tree(N, Nodes, Opts)

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-spec build_tree(N :: integer(), Nodes :: [term()], Opts :: [term()]) -> orddict:orddict().
Convert a list of elements into an N-ary tree. This conversion works by treating the list as an array-based tree where, for example in a binary 2-ary tree, a node at index i has children 2i and 2i+1. The conversion also supports a "cycles" mode where the array is logically wrapped around to ensure leaf nodes also have children by giving them backedges to other elements.
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log(Level, String, Args)

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-spec log(debug | info | error, String :: string(), Args :: [term()]) -> ok.