View Source Patch.Mock.Value (patch v0.15.0)
Interface for generating mock values.
In a test this module is imported into the test and so using this module directly is not necessary.
Advances the given value.
Create a new Values.Callable
to be used as the mock value.
allows the test author to provide additional configuration.
Create a new Values.Cycle
to be used as the mock value.
Guard that checks whether a value is a proper Values module
Generate the next return value and advance the underlying value.
Creates a special value that raises a RuntimeError with the given message.
Creates a special value that raises the given exception with the provided attributes.
Creates a new Values.Scalar
to be used as the mock value.
Creates a new Values.Sequence
to be used as a mock value.
Creates a special values that throws the provided value when evaluated.
@type t() :: Patch.Mock.Values.Callable.t() | Patch.Mock.Values.CallableStack.t() | Patch.Mock.Values.Cycle.t() | Patch.Mock.Values.Raises.t() | Patch.Mock.Values.Scalar.t() | Patch.Mock.Values.Sequence.t() | Patch.Mock.Values.Throws.t() | term()
Advances the given value.
Sequences and Cycles both have meaningful advances, all other values types this acts as a no-op.
@spec callable(target :: function()) :: Patch.Mock.Values.Callable.t()
Create a new Values.Callable
to be used as the mock value.
When a patched function has a Values.Callable
as its mock value, it will invoke the callable
with the arguments to the patched function on every invocation to generate a new value to
patch(Example, :example, callable(fn arg -> {:patched, arg} end))
assert Example.example(1) == {:patched, 1} # passes
assert Example.example(2) == {:patched, 2} # passes
assert Example.example(3) == {:patched, 3} # passes
Any function literal will automatically be promoted into a Values.Callable
unless it is
wrapped in a scalar/1
See callable/2
for more configuration options. callable/1
calls use the default
configuration options
- dispatch: :apply
- evaluate: :passthrough
@spec callable( target :: function(), dispatch :: Patch.Mock.Values.Callable.dispatch_mode() ) :: Patch.Mock.Values.Callable.t()
@spec callable(target :: function(), options :: [Patch.Mock.Values.Callable.option()]) :: Patch.Mock.Values.Callable.t()
allows the test author to provide additional configuration.
There are two options
Controls how the arguments are dispatched to the callable.
is the default. It will call the function with the same arity as the incoming call.:list
will always call the callable with a single argument, a list of all the incoming arguments.
Apply Example
patch(Example, :example, callable(fn a, b, c -> {:patched, a, b, c} end), :apply)
assert Example.example(1, 2, 3) == {:patched, 1, 2, 3} # passes
List Example
patch(Example, :example, callable(fn
[a, b, c] ->
{:patched, a, b, c}
[a] ->
{:patched, a}
end, :list))
assert Example.example(1, 2, 3) == {:patched, 1, 2, 3} # passes
assert Example.example(1) == {:patched, 1} # passes
Controls how the callable is evaluated.
is the default. It will passthrough to the original function if the provided callable fails to pattern match to the incoming call:strict
will bubble up anyBadArityError
Legacy Configuration Behavior (may be deprecated)
This function accepts either a single atom, in which case it will assign that to the :dispatch
configuration and use the default :evaluate
The following calls are equivalent
# Using legacy configuration convention
patch(Example, :example, callable(fn args -> {:patched, args}, :apply))
# Using explicit options without evaluate
patch(Example, :example, callable(fn args -> {:patched, args}, dispatch: :apply))
# Using fully specified explicit options
patch(Example, :example, callable(fn args -> {:patched, args}, dispatch: :apply, evaluate: :passthrough))
Multiple Arities
dispatch: :list
used to be the preferred way to deal with multiple arities, here's an example.
patch(Example, :example, callable(fn
[a] ->
{:patched, a}
[a, b, c] ->
{:patched, a, b, c}
end, dispatch: :list))
assert Example.example(1) == {:patched, 1}
assert Example.example(1, 2, 3) == {:patched, 1, 2, 3}
Patch now has "Stacked Callables" so the preferred method is to use the equivalent code
patch(Example, :example, fn a -> {:patched, a} end)
patch(Example, :example, fn a, b, c -> {:patched, a, b, c} end)
assert Example.example(1) == {:patched, 1}
assert Example.example(1, 2, 3) == {:patched, 1, 2, 3}
@spec cycle(values :: [term()]) :: Patch.Mock.Values.Cycle.t()
Create a new Values.Cycle
to be used as the mock value.
When a patched function has a Values.Cycle
as its mock value, it will provide the first value
in the cycle and then move the first value to the end of the cycle on every invocation.
Consider a function patched with cycle([1, 2, 3])
via the following code
patch(Example, :example, cycle([1, 2, 3]))
Invocation | Cycle Before Call | Return Value | Cycle After Call |
1 | [1, 2, 3] | 1 | [2, 3, 1] |
2 | [2, 3, 1] | 2 | [3, 1, 2] |
3 | [3, 1, 2] | 3 | [1, 2, 3] |
4 | [1, 2, 3] | 1 | [2, 3, 1] |
5 | [2, 3, 1] | 2 | [3, 1, 2] |
6 | [3, 1, 2] | 3 | [1, 2, 3] |
7 | [1, 2, 3] | 1 | [2, 3, 1] |
We could continue the above table forever since the cycle will repeat endlessly. Cycles can
contain callable/1,2
, raise/1,2
and throw/1
mock values.
Guard that checks whether a value is a proper Values module
Generate the next return value and advance the underlying value.
@spec raises(message :: String.t()) :: Patch.Mock.Values.Raises.t()
Creates a special value that raises a RuntimeError with the given message.
patch(Example, :example, raises("patched"))
assert_raise RuntimeError, "patched", fn ->
@spec raises(exception :: module(), attributes :: Keyword.t()) :: Patch.Mock.Values.Raises.t()
Creates a special value that raises the given exception with the provided attributes.
patch(Example, :example, raises(ArgumentError, message: "patched"))
assert_raise ArgumentError, "patched", fn ->
@spec scalar(value :: term()) :: Patch.Mock.Values.Scalar.t()
Creates a new Values.Scalar
to be used as the mock value.
When a patched function has a Values.Scalar
as its mock value, it will provide the scalar
value on every invocation
patch(Example, :example, scalar(:patched))
assert Example.example() == :patched # passes
assert Example.example() == :patched # passes
assert Example.example() == :patched # passes
When patching with any term that isn't a function, it will automatically be promoted into a
patch(Example, :example, :patched)
assert Example.example() == :patched # passes
assert Example.example() == :patched # passes
assert Example.example() == :patched # passes
Since functions are always automatically promoted to Values.Callable
, if a function is meant
as a scalar value it must be wrapped in a call to scalar/1
patch(Example, :get_name_normalizer, scalar(&String.downcase/1))
assert Example.get_name_normalizer == &String.downcase/1 # passes
@spec sequence(values :: [term()]) :: Patch.Mock.Values.Sequence.t()
Creates a new Values.Sequence
to be used as a mock value.
When a patched function has a Values.Sequence
as its mock value, it will provide the first
value in the sequence as the return value and then discard the first value. Once the sequence
is down to a final value it will be retained and returned on every subsequent invocation.
Consider a function patched with sequence([1, 2, 3])
via the following code
patch(Example, :example, sequence([1, 2, 3]))
Invocation | Sequence Before Call | Return Value | Sequence After Call |
1 | [1, 2, 3] | 1 | [2, 3] |
2 | [2, 3] | 2 | [3] |
3 | [3] | 3 | [3] |
4 | [3] | 3 | [3] |
5 | [3] | 3 | [3] |
We could continue the above table forever since the sequence will continue to return the last
value endlessly. Sequences can contain callable/1,2
, raise/1,2
and throw/1
mock values.
There is one special behavior of sequence, and that's an empty sequence, which always returns
the value nil
on every invocation.
If the test author would like to simulate an exhaustable sequence, one that returns a set number
of items and then responds to every other call with nil
, they can simply add a nil
as the
last element in the sequence
patch(Example, :example, sequence([1, 2, 3, nil])
Invocation | Sequence Before Call | Return Value | Sequence After Call |
1 | [1, 2, 3, nil] | 1 | [2, 3, nil] |
2 | [2, 3, nil] | 2 | [3, nil] |
3 | [3, nil] | 3 | [nil] |
4 | [nil] | nil | [nil] |
5 | [nil] | nil | [nil] |
@spec throws(value :: term()) :: Patch.Mock.Values.Throws.t()
Creates a special values that throws the provided value when evaluated.
patch(Example, :example, throws(:patched))
assert catch_throw(Example.example()) == :patched