View Source PhoenixApiToolkit.Ecto.DynamicFilters (Phoenix API Toolkit v3.1.2)
Dynamic filtering of Ecto queries is useful for creating list/index functions, and ultimately list/index endpoints, that accept a map of filters to apply to the query. Such a map can be based on HTTP query parameters, naturally.
Several filtering types are so common that they have been implemented using standard filter macro's. This way, you only have to define which fields are filterable in what way.
Documentation for such filters can be autogenerated using generate_filter_docs/2
Example without standard filters
import Ecto.Query
require Ecto.Query
def list_without_standard_filters(filters \\ %{}) do
base_query = from(user in "users", as: :user)
|> Enum.reduce(base_query, fn
{:order_by, {field, direction}}, query ->
order_by(query, [user: user], [{^direction, field(user, ^field)}])
{filter, value}, query when filter in [:id, :name, :residence, :address] ->
where(query, [user: user], field(user, ^filter) == ^value)
_, query ->
# filtering is optional
iex> list_without_standard_filters()
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", as: :user>
# multiple equal_to matches can be combined
iex> list_without_standard_filters(%{residence: "New York", address: "Main Street"})
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", as: :user, where: u0.address == ^"Main Street", where: u0.residence == ^"New York">
# equal_to matches and sorting can be combined
iex> list_without_standard_filters(%{residence: "New York", order_by: {:name, :desc}})
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", as: :user, where: u0.residence == ^"New York", order_by: [desc:]>
# other fields are ignored / passed through
iex> list_without_standard_filters(%{number_of_arms: 3})
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", as: :user>
Example with standard filters and autogenerated docs
Standard filters can be applied using the standard_filters/6
macro. It supports various filtering styles:
equal_to matches, set membership, smaller/greater than comparisons, ordering and pagination. These filters must
be configured at compile time. Standard filters can be combined with non-standard custom filters.
Documentation can be autogenerated.
@filter_definitions [
atom_keys: true,
string_keys: true,
limit: true,
offset: true,
order_by: true,
order_by_aliases: [
role_name: {:role, :name},
username_last_letter: &__MODULE__.order_by_username_last_letter/2
equal_to: [:id, :username, :address, :balance, role_name: {:role, :name}],
equal_to_any: [:address],
string_starts_with: [username_prefix: {:user, :username}],
string_contains: [username_search: :username],
list_contains: [:roles],
list_contains_any: [:roles],
list_contains_all: [all_roles: :roles],
smaller_than: [
inserted_before: :inserted_at,
balance_lt: :balance,
role_inserted_before: {:role, :inserted_at}
greater_than_or_equal_to: [
inserted_at_or_after: :inserted_at,
balance_gte: :balance
filter_by: [
group_name_alternative: &__MODULE__.by_group_name/2
@doc """
Custom filter function
def by_group_name(query, group_name) do
where(query, [user: user], user.group_name == ^group_name)
@doc """
Custom order_by handler
def order_by_username_last_letter(query, direction) do
order_by(query, [user: user], [{^direction, fragment("right(?, 1)", user.username)}])
@doc """
Function to resolve named bindings by dynamically joining them into the query.
def resolve_binding(query, named_binding) do
if has_named_binding?(query, named_binding) do
case named_binding do
:role -> join(query, :left, [user: user], role in "roles", as: :role)
_ -> query
@doc """
My awesome list function. You can filter it, you know! And we guarantee the docs are up-to-date!
#{generate_filter_docs(@filter_definitions, equal_to: [:group_name])}
def list_with_standard_filters(filters \\ %{}) do
from(user in "users", as: :user)
|> standard_filters filters, :user, @filter_definitions, &resolve_binding/2 do
# Add custom filters first and fall back to standard filters
{:group_name, value}, query -> by_group_name(query, value)
# filtering is optional
iex> list_with_standard_filters()
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", as: :user>
# let's do some filtering
iex> list_with_standard_filters(%{username: "Peter", balance_lt: 50.00, address: "sesame street"})
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", as: :user, where: u0.address == ^"sesame street", where: u0.balance < ^50.0, where: u0.username == ^"Peter">
# associations can be dynamically joined into the query, only when necessary
iex> list_with_standard_filters(%{role_name: "admin"})
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", as: :user, left_join: r1 in "roles", as: :role, on: true, where: == ^"admin">
# limit, offset, and order_by are supported
iex> list_with_standard_filters(%{"limit" => 10, offset: 1, order_by: [desc: :address]})
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", as: :user, order_by: [desc: u0.address], limit: ^10, offset: ^1>
# order_by can use association fields as well, which are dynamically joined in that case
iex> list_with_standard_filters(%{order_by: [asc: {:role, :name}]})
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", as: :user, left_join: r1 in "roles", as: :role, on: true, order_by: [asc:]>
# order_by can use aliases defined in `order_by_aliases`, without breaking dynamic joining
iex> list_with_standard_filters(%{order_by: [asc: :role_name]})
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", as: :user, left_join: r1 in "roles", as: :role, on: true, order_by: [asc:]>
# order_by can use function aliases
iex> list_with_standard_filters(%{order_by: [desc: :username_last_letter]})
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", as: :user, order_by: [desc: fragment("right(?, 1)", u0.username)]>
# complex custom filters can be combined with the standard filters
iex> list_with_standard_filters(%{group_name: "admins", balance_gte: 50.00})
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", as: :user, where: u0.balance >= ^50.0, where: u0.group_name == ^"admins">
# a custom filter function may be passed into :filter_by as well
iex> list_with_standard_filters(%{group_name_alternative: "admins"})
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", as: :user, where: u0.group_name == ^"admins">
# unsupported filters raise, but nonexistent order_by fields do not (although Ecto will raise, naturally)
iex> list_with_standard_filters(%{number_of_arms: 3})
** (RuntimeError) list filter {:number_of_arms, 3} not recognized
iex> list_with_standard_filters(%{order_by: [:number_of_arms]})
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", as: :user, order_by: [asc: u0.number_of_arms]>
# filtering on lists of values, string prefixes and string-contains filters
iex> list_with_standard_filters(%{address: ["sesame street"], username_prefix: "foo", username_search: "bar"})
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", as: :user, where: u0.address in ^["sesame street"], where: ilike(u0.username, ^"foo%"), where: ilike(u0.username, ^"%bar%")>
# filtering on array-type fields
iex> list_with_standard_filters(%{roles: "admin"})
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", as: :user, where: fragment("? && ?", u0.roles, ^["admin"])>
iex> list_with_standard_filters(%{roles: ["admin", "superadmin"], all_roles: ["creator", "user"]})
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", as: :user, where: fragment("? @> ?", u0.roles, ^["creator", "user"]), where: fragment("? && ?", u0.roles, ^["admin", "superadmin"])>
# you can order by multiple fields and specify bindings
iex> list_with_standard_filters(%{"balance" => 12, "order_by" => [asc: {:user, :username}, desc: :role]})
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", as: :user, where: u0.balance == ^12, order_by: [asc: u0.username], order_by: [desc: u0.role]>
Note that the aim is not to emulate GraphQL in a REST API. It is not possible for the API client to specify which fields the API should return or how deep the nesting should be: it is still necessary to develop different REST resources for differently-shaped responses (for example, /api/users
or /api/users_with_groups
etc). In a REST API, simple filtering and sorting functionality can be supported, however, without going the full GraphQL route. We will not discuss the pro's and cons of GraphQL versus REST here, but we maintain that GraphQL is not a drop-in replacement for REST API's in every situation and there is still a place for (flexible) REST API's, for example when caching on anything other than the client itself is desired or when development simplicity trumps complete flexibility and the number of different clients is limited.
Generating documentation
The call to generate_filter_docs/2
for the filter definitions as defined above will generate the following (rendered) docs:
Filter key typesFilter keys may be both atoms and strings, e.g. %{username: "Dave123", "first_name" => "Dave"}
Equal-to filtersThe field's value must be equal to the filter value. The equivalent Ecto code is
where(query, [binding: bd], bd.field == ^filter_value)
The following filter names are supported:
(actual field
Equal-to-any filtersThe field's value must be equal to any of the filter values. The equivalent Ecto code is
where(query, [binding: bd], bd.field in ^filter_value)
The following filter names are supported:
Smaller-than filtersThe field's value must be smaller than the filter's value. The equivalent Ecto code is
where(query, [binding: bd], bd.field < ^filter_value)
The following filter names are supported:
Filter name Must be smaller than balance_lt
Greater-than-or-equal-to filtersThe field's value must be greater than or equal to the filter's value. The equivalent Ecto code is
where(query, [binding: bd], bd.field >= ^filter_value)
The following filter names are supported:
Filter name Must be greater than or equal to balance_gte
String-starts-with filtersThe string-type field's value must start with the filter's value. The equivalent Ecto code is
where(query, [binding: bd], ilike(bd.field, ^(val <> "%")))
The following filter names are supported:
(actual field isuser.username)
String-contains filtersThe string-type field's value must contain the filter's value. The equivalent Ecto code is
where(query, [binding: bd], ilike(bd.field, ^("%" <> val <> "%")))
The following filter names are supported:
(actual field isusername)
List-contains filtersThe array-type field's value must contain the filter's value (set membership). The equivalent Ecto code is
where(query, [binding: bd], fragment("? && ?", bd.field, ^[val]))
The following filter names are supported:
List-contains-any filtersThe array-type field's value must contain any of the filter's values (set intersection). The equivalent Ecto code is
where(query, [binding: bd], fragment("? && ?", bd.field, ^val))
The following filter names are supported:
List-contains-all filtersThe array-type field's value must contain all of the filter's values (subset). The equivalent Ecto code is
where(query, [binding: bd], fragment("? @> ?", bd.field, ^val))
The following filter names are supported:
(actual field isroles)
Order-by sortingOrder-by filters do not actually filter the result set, but sort it according to the filter's value(s). The supported directions can be found in the docs of
.Order-by filters take a list argument, that can consist of the following elements:
will sort on the specified field of the default binding in ascending order{:direction, :field}
will sort on the specified field of the default binding in the specified direction{:direction, {:binding, :field}}
will sort on the specified field of the specified binding in the specified direction.Note that the value of
filters must consist of atoms, even withstring_keys
enabled.All fields present in the query on any named binding are supported. Additionally, aliases for fields in non-default bindings can be defined in
. The alias can then be used inorder_by
filters. The following aliases are supported:
(actual field
Limit filterThe
filter sets a maximum for the number of rows in the result set and may be used for pagination.
Offset filterThe
filter skips a number of rows in the result set and may be used for pagination.
Filter-by-function filtersThe filter applies a function to the query.
The following filter names are supported:
Link to this section Summary
Extra filters supported by a function, for which documentation should be generated by generate_filter_docs/2
A keyword list of filter types and the fields for which documentation should be generated.
Format of a filter that can be applied to a query to narrow it down
Definition used to generate a filter for standard_filters/6
Filter definitions supported by standard_filters/6
A keyword list of filter types and the filter definitions for which they should be generated.
Generate a markdown docstring from filter definitions, as passed to standard_filters/6
as defined by filter_definitions/0
. By specifying extras
, documentation can be generated
for any custom filters supported by your function as well.
Applies standard filters to the query. Standard filters include filters for equal_to matches, set membership, smaller/greater than comparisons, ordering and pagination.
Link to this section Types
@type extra_filter_definitions() :: [ order_by_aliases: [filter_definition()], equal_to: [filter_definition()], equal_to_any: [filter_definition()], smaller_than: [filter_definition()], smaller_than_or_equal_to: [filter_definition()], greater_than: [filter_definition()], greater_than_or_equal_to: [filter_definition()], string_starts_with: [filter_definition()], string_contains: [filter_definition()], list_contains: [filter_definition()], list_contains_any: [filter_definition()], list_contains_all: [filter_definition()] ]
Extra filters supported by a function, for which documentation should be generated by generate_filter_docs/2
A keyword list of filter types and the fields for which documentation should be generated.
Format of a filter that can be applied to a query to narrow it down
Definition used to generate a filter for standard_filters/6
May take the following forms:
filter name and name of field of default binding{filter_name, actual_field}
if the filter name is different from the name of the field of the default binding{filter_name, {binding, actual_field}}
if the field is a field of another named binding
@type filter_definitions() :: [ atom_keys: boolean(), string_keys: boolean(), limit: boolean(), offset: boolean(), order_by: boolean(), order_by_aliases: [ filter_definition() | (Ecto.Query.t(), atom() -> Ecto.Query.t()) ], equal_to: [filter_definition()], equal_to_any: [filter_definition()], smaller_than: [filter_definition()], smaller_than_or_equal_to: [filter_definition()], greater_than: [filter_definition()], greater_than_or_equal_to: [filter_definition()], string_starts_with: [filter_definition()], string_contains: [filter_definition()], list_contains: [filter_definition()], list_contains_any: [filter_definition()], list_contains_all: [filter_definition()] ]
Filter definitions supported by standard_filters/6
A keyword list of filter types and the filter definitions for which they should be generated.
Link to this section Functions
@spec generate_filter_docs(filter_definitions(), extra_filter_definitions()) :: binary()
Generate a markdown docstring from filter definitions, as passed to standard_filters/6
as defined by filter_definitions/0
. By specifying extras
, documentation can be generated
for any custom filters supported by your function as well.
See the module docs Elixir.PhoenixApiToolkit.Ecto.DynamicFilters
for details and examples.
standard_filters(query, filters, default_binding, filter_definitions, resolve_binding, overrides \\ nil)
View Source (macro)@spec standard_filters( Ecto.Query.t(), filter(), atom(), filter_definitions(), (Ecto.Query.t(), atom() -> Ecto.Query.t()), any() ) :: any()
Applies standard filters to the query. Standard filters include filters for equal_to matches, set membership, smaller/greater than comparisons, ordering and pagination.
See the module docs Elixir.PhoenixApiToolkit.Ecto.DynamicFilters
for details and examples.
Mandatory parameters:
: the Ecto query that is narrowed downfilter
: the current filter that is being applied toquery
: the named binding of the Ecto model that generic queries are applied to, unless specified otherwisefilter_definitions
: keyword list of filter types and the filter definitions for which they should be generated
Optional parameters:
- resolve_binding: a function that can be passed in to dynamically join the query to resolve named bindings requested in filters
The options supported by the filter_definitions
parameter are:
: supports filter keys as atoms, e.g.%{username: "Dave"}
: supports filter keys as strings, e.g.%{"username" => "Dave"}
. Note that order_by VALUES must always be atoms:%{"order_by" => :username}
will work but%{order_by: "username"}
will not.limit
: enables limit filteroffset
: enables offset filterorder_by
: enables order_by filterorder_by_aliases
: set an alias for a non-default-binding-field, e.g.{:role_name, {:role, :name}}
which enablesorder_by: [desc: :role_name]
OR provide an ordering function that takes the query and direction as argumentsequal_to
: field must be equal to filter.equal_to_any
: field must be equal to any value of filter, in [1, 2, 3]
. Filter names can be the same asequal_to
: field must be smaller than filter value, e.g.user.score < value
: field must be smaller than or equal to filter value, e.g.user.score <= value
: field must be greater than filter value, e.g.user.score > value
: field must be greater than or equal to filter value, e.g.user.score >= value
: string field must start with case-insensitive string prefix,
starts with "dav"string_contains
: string field must contain case-insensitive string,
contains "av"list_contains
: array field must contain filter value, e.g."admin" in user.roles
(equivalent to set membership)list_contains_any
: array field must contain any filter value, e.g.user.roles
contains any of ["admin", "creator"] (equivalent to set intersection). Filter names can be the same aslist_contains
: array field must contain all filter values, e.g.user.roles
contains all of ["admin", "creator"] (equivalent to subset). Filter names can be the same aslist_contains
: filter with a custom function