PhoenixSwagger.Schema (phoenix_swagger v0.8.3) View Source

Struct and helpers for swagger schema.

Fields should reflect the swagger SchemaObject specification

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Boolean indicating that additional properties are allowed, or a schema to be used for validating any additional properties not listed in properties. Default behaviour is to allow additional properties.

Used to combine multiple schemas, requiring a value to conform to all schemas. Can be used in conjunction with discriminator to define polymorphic inheritance relationships. See

Construct an array schema, where the array items schema is a ref to the given name.

Sets the default value for the schema. The value provided should validate against the schema sucessfully.

Sets the description for the schema.

Specifies the name of a property that identifies the polymorphic schema for a JSON object. The value of this property should be the name of this schema, or another schema that inherits from this schema using all_of. See

Restricts the schema to a fixed set of values.

Adds an example of the schema.

Boolean indicating that value for maximum is excluded from the valid range. When true: x < maximum, when false: x <= maximum

Boolean indicating that value for minimum is excluded from the valid range. When true: x > minimum, when false: x => minimum

Sets the format of a Schema with type: :string

Sets the schema/s for the items of an array. Use a single schema for arrays when each item should have the same schema. Use a list of schemas when the array represents a tuple, each element will be validated against the corresponding schema in the items list.

Restricts the maximimum number of items in an array schema.

Constrains the maximum length of a string to the given value.

Limits the maximum number of properties an object schema may contain.

Specifies a maximum numeric value for :integer or :number types.

Restricts the minimum number of items in an array schema.

Constrains the minimum length of a string to the given value.

Limits the minimum number of properties an object schema may contain.

Specifies a minimum numeric value for :integer or :number types.

Limits a values of numeric type (:integer or :number) to multiples of the given amount.

Construct a new %Schema{} struct using the schema DSL.

Sets the x-nullable vendor extension property for the schema.

Restricts a string schema to match a regular expression, given as a string.

Defines multiple properties for a schema with a custom DSL syntax

Construct a schema reference, using name of definition in this swagger document, or a complete path.

Makes one or more properties required in an object schema.

Sets the title of the schema

Sets the type of for the schema. Valid values are :string, :integer, :number, :object, :array, :boolean, :null, or a list of those basic types.

Boolean that when true, requires each item of an array schema to be unique.

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additional_properties(model, bool_or_schema)

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Boolean indicating that additional properties are allowed, or a schema to be used for validating any additional properties not listed in properties. Default behaviour is to allow additional properties.


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :object}
...> |>, :string, "Full name", maxLength: 255)
...> |> Schema.additional_properties(false)
  type: :object,
  properties: %{
    name: %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{
      type: :string,
      description: "Full name",
      maxLength: 255
  additionalProperties: false

iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :object}
...> |>, :string, "Full name", maxLength: 255)
...> |> Schema.additional_properties(%Schema{type: :number})
  type: :object,
  properties: %{
    name: %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{
      type: :string,
      description: "Full name",
      maxLength: 255
  additionalProperties: %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{
    type: :number

Used to combine multiple schemas, requiring a value to conform to all schemas. Can be used in conjunction with discriminator to define polymorphic inheritance relationships. See


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{}
...> |> Schema.all_of([Schema.ref("#definitions/Contact"), Schema.ref("#definitions/CreditHistory")])
  allOf: [
    %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{'$ref': "#definitions/Contact"},
    %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{'$ref': "#definitions/CreditHistory"},

Construct an array schema, where the array items schema is a ref to the given name.


iex> PhoenixSwagger.Schema.array(:User)
  items: %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{"$ref": "#/definitions/User"},
  type: :array

iex> PhoenixSwagger.Schema.array(:string)
  items: %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: :string},
  type: :array

Sets the default value for the schema. The value provided should validate against the schema sucessfully.


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :string, format: :datetime}
...> |> Schema.default("2017-01-01T00:00:00Z")
  type: :string,
  format: :datetime,
  default: "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z"
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description(model, desc)

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Sets the description for the schema.


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{} |> Schema.description("A user")
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{description: "A user"}
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discriminator(model, property_name)

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Specifies the name of a property that identifies the polymorphic schema for a JSON object. The value of this property should be the name of this schema, or another schema that inherits from this schema using all_of. See

## Example

iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema ...> %Schema{} ...> |> Schema.type(:object) ...> |> Schema.title("Pet") ...> |>, :string, "polymorphic pet schema type", example: "Dog") ...> |> Schema.discriminator(:pet_type) %Schema{

type: :object,
title: "Pet",
properties: %{
  pet_type: %Schema{
    type: :string,
    description: "polymorphic pet schema type",
    example: "Dog"
discriminator: :pet_type,
required: [:pet_type]


Restricts the schema to a fixed set of values.


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :string}
...> |> Schema.enum(["red", "yellow", "green"])
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: :string, enum: ["red", "yellow", "green"]}

Adds an example of the schema.

## Example

iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema ...> %Schema{type: :object, properties: %{phone_number: %Schema{type: :string}}} ...> |> Schema.example(%{phone_number: "555-123-456"}) %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{

type: :object,
properties: %{
  phone_number: %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{
    type: :string
example: %{phone_number: "555-123-456"}


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exclusive_maximum(model, exclusive?)

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Boolean indicating that value for maximum is excluded from the valid range. When true: x < maximum, when false: x <= maximum


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :number}
...> |> Schema.maximum(128)
...> |> Schema.exclusive_maximum(true)
  type: :number,
  maximum: 128,
  exclusiveMaximum: true
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exclusive_minimum(model, exclusive?)

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Boolean indicating that value for minimum is excluded from the valid range. When true: x > minimum, when false: x => minimum


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :number}
...> |> Schema.minimum(16)
...> |> Schema.exclusive_minimum(true)
  type: :number,
  minimum: 16,
  exclusiveMinimum: true

Sets the format of a Schema with type: :string


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :string} |> Schema.format(:datetime)
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: :string, format: :datetime}
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items(model, item_schema)

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Sets the schema/s for the items of an array. Use a single schema for arrays when each item should have the same schema. Use a list of schemas when the array represents a tuple, each element will be validated against the corresponding schema in the items list.


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :array}
...> |> Schema.items(%Schema{type: :string})
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: :array, items: %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: :string}}

iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :array}
...> |> Schema.items([%Schema{type: :string}, %Schema{type: :number}])
  type: :array,
  items: [%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: :string}, %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: :number}]

Restricts the maximimum number of items in an array schema.


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :array}
...> |> Schema.max_items(25)
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: :array, maxItems: 25}
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max_length(model, value)

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Constrains the maximum length of a string to the given value.


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :string}
...> |> Schema.max_length(255)
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: :string, maxLength: 255}
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max_properties(model, value)

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Limits the maximum number of properties an object schema may contain.


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :object}
...> |> Schema.max_properties(10)
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: :object, maxProperties: 10}

Specifies a maximum numeric value for :integer or :number types.


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :integer}
...> |> Schema.maximum(100)
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: :integer, maximum: 100}

Restricts the minimum number of items in an array schema.


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :array}
...> |> Schema.min_items(1)
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: :array, minItems: 1}
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min_length(model, value)

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Constrains the minimum length of a string to the given value.


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :string}
...> |> Schema.min_length(32)
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: :string, minLength: 32}
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min_properties(model, value)

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Limits the minimum number of properties an object schema may contain.


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :object}
...> |> Schema.min_properties(1)
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: :object, minProperties: 1}

Specifies a minimum numeric value for :integer or :number types.


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :integer}
...> |> Schema.minimum(10)
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: :integer, minimum: 10}
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multiple_of(model, number)

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Limits a values of numeric type (:integer or :number) to multiples of the given amount.


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :number}
...> |> Schema.multiple_of(7)
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: :number, multipleOf: 7}

Construct a new %Schema{} struct using the schema DSL.

This macro is similar to PhoenixSwagger.swagger_schema, except that it produces a Schema struct instead of a plain map with string keys.


iex> require PhoenixSwagger.Schema, as: Schema
...> do
...>   type :object
...>   properties do
...>     name :string, "user name", required: true
...>     date_of_birth :string, "date of birth", format: :datetime
...>   end
...> end
  type: :object,
  properties: %{
    name: %Schema {
      type: :string,
      description: "user name"
    date_of_birth: %Schema {
      type: :string,
      format: :datetime,
      description: "date of birth"
  required: [:name]


    "$ref": term(),
    additionalProperties: term(),
    allOf: term(),
    default: term(),
    description: term(),
    discriminator: term(),
    enum: term(),
    example: term(),
    exclusiveMaximum: term(),
    exclusiveMinimum: term(),
    format: term(),
    items: term(),
    maxItems: term(),
    maxLength: term(),
    maxProperties: term(),
    maximum: term(),
    minItems: term(),
    minLength: term(),
    minProperties: term(),
    minimum: term(),
    multipleOf: term(),
    pattern: term(),
    properties: term(),
    required: term(),
    title: term(),
    type: term(),
    uniqueItems: term(),
    "x-nullable": term()
) :: %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{
  "$ref": term(),
  additionalProperties: term(),
  allOf: term(),
  default: term(),
  description: term(),
  discriminator: term(),
  enum: term(),
  example: term(),
  exclusiveMaximum: term(),
  exclusiveMinimum: term(),
  format: term(),
  items: term(),
  maxItems: term(),
  maxLength: term(),
  maxProperties: term(),
  maximum: term(),
  minItems: term(),
  minLength: term(),
  minProperties: term(),
  minimum: term(),
  multipleOf: term(),
  pattern: term(),
  properties: term(),
  required: term(),
  title: term(),
  type: term(),
  uniqueItems: term(),
  "x-nullable": term()
when maybe_boolean: true | false | nil

Sets the x-nullable vendor extension property for the schema.

## Example

iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema ...> %Schema{type: :string} |> Schema.nullable(true) %Schema{

type: :string,
'x-nullable': true


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pattern(model, regex_pattern)

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Restricts a string schema to match a regular expression, given as a string.


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :string}
...> |> Schema.pattern(~S"^(([0-9]{2}))?[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}$")
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: :string, pattern: ~S"^(([0-9]{2}))?[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}$"}
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properties(model, block)

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Defines multiple properties for a schema with a custom DSL syntax


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :object}
...> |> do
...>      name :string, "Full Name", required: true
...>      dateOfBirth :string, "Date of birth", format: :datetime
...>    end
  type: :object,
  properties: %{
    name: %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{
      type: :string,
      description: "Full Name",
    dateOfBirth: %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{
      type: :string,
      description: "Date of birth",
      format: :datetime
  required: [:name]
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property(model, name, type_or_schema, description \\ nil, opts \\ [])

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Sets a property of the Schema.


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :object}
...> |>, :string, "Full name", required: true, maxLength: 256)
...> |>, [:string, "null"], "Street Address")
...> |>, Schema.array(:User), "Friends list", required: true)
  type: :object,
  properties: %{
    friends: %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{
      type: :array,
      description: "Friends list",
      items: %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{"$ref": "#/definitions/User"}
    address: %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{
      type: [:string, "null"],
      description: "Street Address"
    name: %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{
      type: :string,
      description: "Full name",
      maxLength: 256
  required: [:friends, :name]

Construct a schema reference, using name of definition in this swagger document, or a complete path.


iex> PhoenixSwagger.Schema.ref(:User)
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{"$ref": "#/definitions/User"}

iex> PhoenixSwagger.Schema.ref("../common/Error.json")
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{"$ref": "../common/Error.json"}

Makes one or more properties required in an object schema.

## Example

iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema ...> %Schema{type: :object, properties: %{phone_number: %Schema{type: :string}}} ...> |> Schema.required(:phone_number) %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{

type: :object,
properties: %{
  phone_number: %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{
    type: :string
required: [:phone_number]


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema ...> %Schema{type: :object, properties: %{phone_number: %Schema{type: :string}, address: %Schema{type: :string}}} ...> |> Schema.required([:phone_number, :address]) %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{

type: :object,
properties: %{
  phone_number: %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{
    type: :string
  address: %PhoenixSwagger.Schema{
    type: :string
required: [:phone_number, :address]


Sets the title of the schema


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{} |> Schema.title("User")
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{title: "User"}

Sets the type of for the schema. Valid values are :string, :integer, :number, :object, :array, :boolean, :null, or a list of those basic types.


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{}
...> |> Schema.type(:string)
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: :string}

iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{}
...> |> Schema.type([:string, :integer])
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: [:string, :integer]}
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unique_items(model, unique?)

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Boolean that when true, requires each item of an array schema to be unique.


iex> alias PhoenixSwagger.Schema
...> %Schema{type: :array}
...> |> Schema.unique_items(true)
%PhoenixSwagger.Schema{type: :array, uniqueItems: true}