Pigeon.ADM.Notification (Pigeon v2.0.0-rc.0) View Source

Defines Amazon ADM notification struct and convenience constructor functions.

Link to this section Summary


ADM error responses

ADM push response


ADM notification


Creates ADM.Notification struct with device registration ID and optional data payload.

Updates "data" key on push payload and calculates md5 hash.

Link to this section Types


error_response() ::
  | :invalid_registration_id
  | :invalid_data
  | :invalid_consolidation_key
  | :invalid_expiration
  | :invalid_checksum
  | :invalid_type
  | :max_rate_exceeded
  | :message_too_large
  | :unregistered
  | :unknown_error

ADM error responses


response() :: nil | :success | error_response() | :timeout

ADM push response

  • nil - Push has not been sent yet
  • :success - Push was successfully sent
  • error_response/0 - Push attempted but server responded with error
  • :timeout - Internal error. Push did not reach ADM servers


t() :: %Pigeon.ADM.Notification{
  __meta__: Pigeon.Metadata.t(),
  consolidation_key: String.t(),
  expires_after: integer(),
  md5: binary(),
  payload: %{},
  registration_id: String.t(),
  response: response(),
  updated_registration_id: String.t()

ADM notification


  consolidation_key: nil,
  expires_after: 604_800,
  md5: "qzF+HgArKZjJrpfcTbiFxg==",
  payload: %{
    "data" => %{"message" => "your message"}
  registration_id: "reg ID",
  response: nil, # Set on push response
  updated_registration_id: nil

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

new(registration_id, data \\ %{})

View Source


new(String.t(), %{required(String.t()) => term()}) :: t()

Creates ADM.Notification struct with device registration ID and optional data payload.


iex> Pigeon.ADM.Notification.new("reg ID")
  consolidation_key: nil,
  md5: "1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg==",
  payload: %{"data" => %{}},
  registration_id: "reg ID",
  updated_registration_id: nil

iex> Pigeon.ADM.Notification.new("reg ID", %{"message" => "your message"})
  consolidation_key: nil,
  md5: "qzF+HgArKZjJrpfcTbiFxg==",
  payload: %{
    "data" => %{"message" => "your message"}
  registration_id: "reg ID",
  updated_registration_id: nil

iex> Pigeon.ADM.Notification.new("reg ID", "not a map")
  consolidation_key: nil,
  md5: "1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg==",
  payload: %{"data" => %{}},
  registration_id: "reg ID",
  updated_registration_id: nil

Updates "data" key on push payload and calculates md5 hash.


iex> n = %Pigeon.ADM.Notification{}
iex> Pigeon.ADM.Notification.put_data(n, %{"message" => "your message"})
  consolidation_key: nil,
  md5: "qzF+HgArKZjJrpfcTbiFxg==",
  payload: %{
    "data" => %{"message" => "your message"}
  registration_id: nil,
  updated_registration_id: nil