Pigeon (Pigeon v2.0.0-rc.0) View Source

HTTP2-compliant wrapper for sending iOS and Android push notifications.

Getting Started

Check the module documentation for your push notification service.

Creating Dynamic Runtime Dispatchers

Pigeon can spin up dynamic dispatchers for a variety of advanced use-cases, such as supporting dozens of dispatcher configurations or custom connection pools.

See Pigeon.Dispatcher for instructions.

Writing a Custom Dispatcher Adapter

Want to write a Pigeon adapter for an unsupported push notification service?

See Pigeon.Adapter for instructions.

Link to this section Summary


Async callback for push notifications response.

Options for sending push notifications.


Returns the configured default pool size for Pigeon dispatchers. To customize this value, include the following in your config/config.exs

Returns the configured JSON encoding library for Pigeon. To customize the JSON library, include the following in your config/config.exs

Link to this section Types


notification() :: %{__meta__: Pigeon.Metadata.t()}


on_response() ::
  (notification() -> no_return())
  | {module(), atom()}
  | {module(), atom(), [any()]}

Async callback for push notifications response.


handler = fn(%Pigeon.ADM.Notification{response: response}) ->
  case response do
    :success ->
      Logger.debug "Push successful!"
    :unregistered ->
      Logger.error "Bad device token!"
    _error ->
      Logger.error "Some other error happened."

n = Pigeon.ADM.Notification.new("token", %{"message" => "test"})
Pigeon.ADM.push(n, on_response: handler)


push_opts() :: [on_response: on_response() | nil, timeout: non_neg_integer()]

Options for sending push notifications.

  • :on_response - Optional async callback triggered on receipt of push. See on_response/0
  • :timeout - Push timeout. Defaults to 5000ms.

Link to this section Functions


default_pool_size() :: pos_integer()

Returns the configured default pool size for Pigeon dispatchers. To customize this value, include the following in your config/config.exs:

config :pigeon, :default_pool_size, 5


json_library() :: module()

Returns the configured JSON encoding library for Pigeon. To customize the JSON library, include the following in your config/config.exs:

config :pigeon, :json_library, Jason
Link to this function

push(pid, notifications, opts \\ [])

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push(pid() | atom(), notification :: notification(), push_opts()) ::
  notification :: struct() | no_return()
push(pid() | atom(), notifications :: [notification(), ...], push_opts()) ::
  notifications :: [struct(), ...] | no_return()