Pigeon.FCM.Notification (Pigeon v2.0.0-rc.0) View Source

Defines FCM notification struct and convenience constructor functions.

Link to this section Summary



FCM notification target. Must be one of the following


Creates FCM.Notification struct with given target and optional notification and data payloads.

Link to this section Types


error_response() ::
  | :invalid_argument
  | :unregistered
  | :sender_id_mismatch
  | :quota_exceeded
  | :unavailable
  | :internal
  | :third_party_auth_error


t() :: %Pigeon.FCM.Notification{
  __meta__: Pigeon.Metadata.t(),
  android: map() | nil,
  apns: map() | nil,
  data: map() | nil,
  error: map() | nil,
  fcm_options: map() | nil,
  name: binary() | nil,
  notification: map() | nil,
  response: atom() | nil,
  target: target(),
  validate_only: boolean() | nil,
  webpush: map() | nil


target() :: {:token, binary()} | {:topic, binary()} | {:condition, binary()}

FCM notification target. Must be one of the following:

  • {:token, "string"} - Registration token to send a message to.
  • {:topic, "string"} - Topic name to send a message to, e.g. "weather". Note: "/topics/" prefix should not be provided.
  • {:condition, "string"} - Condition to send a message to, e.g. "'foo' in topics && 'bar' in topics".

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

new(target, notification \\ nil, data \\ nil)

View Source

Creates FCM.Notification struct with given target and optional notification and data payloads.


iex> Pigeon.FCM.Notification.new({:token, "reg ID"})
  data: nil,
  notification: nil,
  target: {:token, "reg ID"}

iex> Pigeon.FCM.Notification.new({:topic, "example"})
  data: nil,
  notification: nil,
  target: {:topic, "example"}

iex> Pigeon.FCM.Notification.new({:token, "reg ID"}, %{"body" => "test message"})
  data: nil,
  notification: %{"body" => "test message"},
  target: {:token, "reg ID"}

iex> Pigeon.FCM.Notification.new({:token, "reg ID"}, %{"body" => "test message"},
...> %{"key" => "value"})
  data: %{"key" => "value"},
  notification: %{"body" => "test message"},
  target: {:token, "reg ID"}