View Source Rambla.Handlers.Stub behaviour (Rambla v1.2.6)
Default handler for Stub testing doubles. Unlike Rambla.Handlers.Mock
this module might be used as a stub for remote service calls when
no expectation is to be defined, or when there is no room to define
such an expectation (e. g. while application start.)
By default it’d be simply return :ok
config :rambla, stub: [
connections: [stubbed: :conn],
channels: [chan_0: [connection: :stubbed]]
# Then you can access the connection/channel via `Rambla.Handlers.Stub` or
# implicitly via `Rambla` as
Rambla.Handlers.Stub.publish(:chan_0, %{message: %{foo: 42}, serializer: Jason})
Rambla.publish(:chan_0, %{message: %{foo: 42}, serializer: Jason})
Stub modules
To implement the custom Stub
, returning any value, or like, use
defmodule ConnStub do
use Rambla.Handlers.Stub, %{token: "FOOBAR"}
@behaviour Rambla.Handlers.Stub
def on_publish(_name, _message, _options) do
{:ok, @stub_options}
The list of child_spec
to be embedded into a supervision tree.
An interface to publish messages using the FSM pool.
The entry point: this would start a supervisor with all the pools and stuff
@callback on_publish(name :: atom(), message :: any(), options :: map()) :: Rambla.Handler.resolution()
The list of child_spec
to be embedded into a supervision tree.
Known options:
— akeyword()
or a function of arity one, which is to receive channel names and return connection options as a listcount
— the number of workers in the poolchild_opts
— the options to be passed to the worker’s spec (you won’t need those)
connection_options: [exchange: ""], count: 3)
An interface to publish messages using the FSM pool.
The id
is the specific to an implementation,
for Amqp
it’d be the channel name, for instance.
The second parameter would be a payload, or, if the backend supports it,
the function of arity one, which would receive back the connection pid
Rambla.Handlers.Amqp.publish :channel_name, %{foo: :bar}
@spec start_link([ Supervisor.option() | Supervisor.init_option() | {:connection_options, keyword() | (term() -> keyword())} | {:count, non_neg_integer()} ]) :: Supervisor.on_start()
The entry point: this would start a supervisor with all the pools and stuff