View Source Testing Rambla
There are two ways to test Rambla
in the wild. One might do a granular testing as shown
below with S3
mock example.
expect(Rambla.Mocks.ExAws, :request, fn operation, %{} = _params ->
assert %ExAws.Operation.S3{} = operation
assert operation.http_method == :put
assert operation.bucket == "test-bucket"
assert operation.path == "some/path"
{:ok, %{body: "file contents"}}
Rambla.Handlers.S3.publish(:chan_1, %{message: "file contents"}, self())
assert_receive {:transition, :success, _, _}, 1_000
Another options would be to use Rambla.Handlers.Mock
with a custom mock.
expect(Rambla.Mocks.Generic, :on_publish, fn name, message, %{} = _opts ->
assert name == :chan_0
assert message == "file contents"
{:ok, %{body: "file contents"}}
Rambla.publish(:chan_0, %{message: "file contents"}, self())
assert_receive {:transition, :success, _, _}, 1_000