View Source API Reference Rambla v1.2.5


Interface for the message publishing through Rambla.

Default connection implementation for 🐰 Rabbit.

The default behaviour for publishers. The common use case would be the module implementing this behaviour opens a connection (and keep it opened,) and publishes messages as needed.

The connection settings as requested by connection provider

Base type for all the Rambla exceptions.

Default handler for AMQP connections.

Default handler for AMQP connections. For this handler to work properly, one must include and start :amqp application with the config like

Default handler for Clickhouse connections. For this handler to work properly, one must configure it with

Default handler for HTTP connections. For this handler to work properly, one must configure it with

Default handler for Mock testing doubles.

Default handler for Redis connections. For this handler to work properly, one must configure it with

Default handler for _S3 connections. For this handler to work properly, one must configure it with

Default handler for SMTP connections. For this handler to work properly, one must configure it with

Default handler for Stub testing doubles. Unlike Rambla.Handlers.Mock, this module might be used as a stub for remote service calls when no expectation is to be defined, or when there is no room to define such an expectation (e. g. while application start.)

Default connection implementation for πŸ•ΈοΈ HTTP.

Default connection implementation for πŸ•ΈοΈ Process message callback.

Default connection implementation for πŸ”΄ Redis.

Default connection implementation for πŸ“§ SMTP.

Mix Tasks

Mix task to deal with exchanges in the target RabbitMQ.

Mix task to deal with queues in the target RabbitMQ.