View Source RDF.NTriples (RDF.ex v2.0.1)

RDF.NTriples provides support for the N-Triples serialization format.

N-Triples is a line-based plain-text format for encoding an RDF graph. It is a very restricted, explicit and well-defined subset of both Turtle and Notation3 (N3).

An example of an RDF statement in N-Triples format:

<> <> "Hex" .




Deserializes a graph or dataset from a file.

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a file.

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a stream.

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a stream.

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a string.

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a string.

Serializes an RDF data structure to a file.

Serializes an RDF data structure to a file.

Serializes an RDF data structure to a stream.

Serializes an RDF data structure to a string.

Serializes an RDF data structure to a string.


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read_file(file, opts \\ [])

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@spec read_file(
) :: {:ok, RDF.Graph.t() | RDF.Dataset.t()} | {:error, any()}

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a file.

It returns an {:ok, data} tuple, with data being the deserialized graph or dataset, or {:error, reason} if an error occurs.


General serialization-independent options:

  • :stream: Allows to enable reading the data from a file directly via a stream (default: false on this function, true on the bang version)
  • :gzip: Allows to read directly from a gzipped file (default: false)
  • :file_mode: A list with the Elixir modes to be used for reading (default: [:read, :utf8])

See the module documentation of the decoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the decoder.

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read_file!(file, opts \\ [])

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@spec read_file!(
) :: RDF.Graph.t() | RDF.Dataset.t()

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a file.

As opposed to read_file/2, it raises an exception if an error occurs and defaults to stream: true.

See read_file/3 for the available format-independent options.

See the module documentation of the decoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the decoder.

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read_stream(stream, opts \\ [])

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@spec read_stream(
) :: {:ok, RDF.Graph.t() | RDF.Dataset.t()} | {:error, any()}

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a stream.

It returns an {:ok, data} tuple, with data being the deserialized graph or dataset, or {:error, reason} if an error occurs.

See the module documentation of the decoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the decoder.

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read_stream!(stream, opts \\ [])

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@spec read_stream!(
) :: RDF.Graph.t() | RDF.Dataset.t()

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a stream.

As opposed to read_stream/2, it raises an exception if an error occurs.

See the module documentation of the decoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the decoder.

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read_string(content, opts \\ [])

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@spec read_string(
) :: {:ok, RDF.Graph.t() | RDF.Dataset.t()} | {:error, any()}

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a string.

It returns an {:ok, data} tuple, with data being the deserialized graph or dataset, or {:error, reason} if an error occurs.

See the module documentation of the decoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the decoder.

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read_string!(content, opts \\ [])

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@spec read_string!(
) :: RDF.Graph.t() | RDF.Dataset.t()

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a string.

As opposed to read_string/2, it raises an exception if an error occurs.

See the module documentation of the decoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the decoder.

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write_file(data, path, opts \\ [])

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@spec write_file(RDF.Data.t(), Path.t(), keyword()) :: :ok | {:error, any()}

Serializes an RDF data structure to a file.

It returns :ok if successful or {:error, reason} if an error occurs.


General serialization-independent options:

  • :stream: Allows to enable writing the serialized data to the file directly via a stream. Possible values: :string or :iodata for writing to the file with a stream of strings respective IO lists, true if you want to use streams, but don't care for the exact method or false for not writing with a stream (default: false on this function, :iodata on the bang version)
  • :gzip: Allows to write directly to a gzipped file (default: false)
  • :force: If not set to true, an error is raised when the given file already exists (default: false)
  • :file_mode: A list with the Elixir modes to be used for writing (default: [:write, :exclusive])

See the module documentation of the encoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the encoder.

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write_file!(data, path, opts \\ [])

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@spec write_file!(RDF.Data.t(), Path.t(), keyword()) :: :ok

Serializes an RDF data structure to a file.

As opposed to write_file/3, it raises an exception if an error occurs.

See write_file/3 for the available format-independent options.

See the module documentation of the encoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the encoder.

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write_stream(data, opts \\ [])

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@spec write_stream(
) :: Enumerable.t()

Serializes an RDF data structure to a stream.

See the module documentation of the encoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the encoder.

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write_string(data, opts \\ [])

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@spec write_string(
) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, any()}

Serializes an RDF data structure to a string.

It returns an {:ok, string} tuple, with string being the serialized graph or dataset, or {:error, reason} if an error occurs.

See the module documentation of the encoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the encoder.

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write_string!(data, opts \\ [])

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@spec write_string!(
) :: String.t()

Serializes an RDF data structure to a string.

As opposed to write_string/2, it raises an exception if an error occurs.

See the module documentation of the encoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the encoder.