View Source mix recode.update.config (Recode v0.7.3)

Updates an existing config for Recode.

The task merges the exsiting config into the actual config and updates the version. Using this task preserves changes in the actual config and adds new values.

The acutal default config:

  version: "0.7.3",
  # Can also be set/reset with `--autocorrect`/`--no-autocorrect`.
  autocorrect: true,
  # With "--dry" no changes will be written to the files.
  # Can also be set/reset with `--dry`/`--no-dry`.
  # If dry is true then verbose is also active.
  dry: false,
  # Enables or disables color in the output.
  color: true,
  # Can also be set/reset with `--verbose`/`--no-verbose`.
  verbose: false,
  # Can be overwritten by calling `mix recode "lib/**/*.ex"`.
  inputs: ["{mix,.formatter}.exs", "{apps,config,lib,test}/**/*.{ex,exs}"],
  formatters: [Recode.CLIFormatter],
  tasks: [
    # Tasks could be added by a tuple of the tasks module name and an options
    # keyword list. A task can be deactivated by `active: false`. The execution of
    # a deactivated task can be forced by calling `mix recode --task ModuleName`.
    {Recode.Task.AliasExpansion, []},
    {Recode.Task.AliasOrder, []},
    {Recode.Task.Dbg, [autocorrect: false]},
    {Recode.Task.EnforceLineLength, [active: false]},
    {Recode.Task.FilterCount, []},
    {Recode.Task.IOInspect, [autocorrect: false]},
    {Recode.Task.LocalsWithoutParens, []},
    {Recode.Task.Moduledoc, []},
    {Recode.Task.Nesting, []},
    {Recode.Task.PipeFunOne, []},
    {Recode.Task.SinglePipe, []},
    {Recode.Task.Specs, [exclude: ["test/**/*.{ex,exs}", "mix.exs"], config: [only: :visible]]},
    {Recode.Task.TagFIXME, [exit_code: 2]},
    {Recode.Task.TagTODO, [exit_code: 4]},
    {Recode.Task.TestFileExt, []},
    {Recode.Task.UnnecessaryIfUnless, []},
    {Recode.Task.UnusedVariable, [active: false]}