View Source Recode.Formatter (Recode v0.7.3)

Helper functions for formatting and the formatting protocols.

Formatters are GenServers specified during Recode configuration that receive a series of events as casts.

The following events are possible:

  • {:prepared, %Rewrite{} = project, time} - all files have been read.

  • {:task_started, %Rewrite.Source{} = source, task} - a task has started.

  • {:task_finished, %Rewrite.Source{} = source, task, time} . a task has finished.

  • {:tasks_finished, %Rewrite{} = project, time} - all tasks are finished.

  • {:finished, %Rewrite{} = project, time} - the Recode run has finished.

The full Recode configuration is passed as the argument to GenServer.init/1 callback when the formatters are started.

All time variables are integers and representing microseconds.



Formats the given microseconds to a string representing the time in seconds.

Formats the given microseconds to a string representing the time in the given time_unit.


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@spec format_time(integer()) :: String.t()

Formats the given microseconds to a string representing the time in seconds.


iex> Recode.Formatter.format_time(1234)
iex> Recode.Formatter.format_time(12345)
iex> Recode.Formatter.format_time(123456)
iex> Recode.Formatter.format_time(1234567)
iex> Recode.Formatter.format_time(12345678)
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format_time(microseconds, atom)

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@spec format_time(integer(), time_unit :: :second | :millisecond) :: String.t()

Formats the given microseconds to a string representing the time in the given time_unit.


iex> Recode.Formatter.format_time(1234, :second)
iex> Recode.Formatter.format_time(12345, :second)
iex> Recode.Formatter.format_time(123456, :second)
iex> Recode.Formatter.format_time(1234567, :second)
iex> Recode.Formatter.format_time(12345678, :second)

iex> Recode.Formatter.format_time(1234, :millisecond)
iex> Recode.Formatter.format_time(12345, :millisecond)