View Source Resend.ApiKeys (resend v0.4.4)
Manage API keys in Resend.
Creates a new API key.
Lists all API keys.
Removes an API key. Caution: This can't be undone!
@spec create(Resend.Client.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Resend.Client.response(Resend.ApiKeys.ApiKey.t())
Creates a new API key.
Parameter options:
- The API key name (required):permission
- Access scope to assign to this key, one of:["full_access", "sending_access"]
- Restrict sending to a specific domain. Only used when permission is set to"sending_access"
The :token
field in the response struct is the only time you will see the token, keep it somewhere safe.
@spec list(Resend.Client.t()) :: Resend.Client.response(Resend.List.t(Resend.ApiKeys.ApiKey.t()))
Lists all API keys.
@spec remove(Resend.Client.t(), String.t()) :: Resend.Client.response(Resend.ApiKeys.ApiKey.t())
Removes an API key. Caution: This can't be undone!