View Source Resend (resend v0.4.4)
Documentation for Resend
@spec client(config()) :: Resend.Client.t()
Returns a Resend client.
Accepts a keyword list of config opts, though if omitted then it will attempt to load them from the application environment.
@spec config() :: config()
Loads config values from the application environment.
Config options are as follows:
config :resend, Resend.Client
api_key: "re_1234567",
base_url: "",
client: Resend.Client.TeslaClient
The only required config option is :api_key
. If you would like to replace the
HTTP client used by Resend, configure the :client
option. By default, this library
uses Tesla, but changing it is as easy as
defining your own client module. See the Resend.Client
module docs for more info.