View Source Resend.Swoosh.Adapter (resend v0.4.4)

Adapter module to configure Swoosh to send emails via Resend.

Using this adapter, we can configure a new Phoenix application to send mail via Resend by default. If the project generated authentication with phx.gen.auth, then all auth communication will work with Resend out of the box.

To configure your Mailer, specify the adapter and a Resend API key:

config :my_app, MyApp.Mailer,
  adapter: Resend.Swoosh.Adapter,
  api_key: "re_1234567"

If you're configuring your app for production, configure your adapter in prod.exs, and your API key from the environment in runtime.exs:

# prod.exs
config :my_app, MyApp.Mailer, adapter: Resend.Swoosh.Adapter
# runtime.exs
config :my_app, MyApp.Mailer, api_key: "re_1234567"

And just like that, you should be all set to send emails with Resend!