View Source API Reference SFTP Client v2.1.0


This is an SFTP Client that wraps Erlang's :ssh and :ssh_sftp libraries for easier usage in Elixir.

A behavior that defines required callbacks for a low-level SFTP adapter.

A behavior that defines required callbacks for a low-level SSH adapter.

A module containing the connection configuration.

A struct containing connection-specific information.

An error that is raised when connection to the SFTP server failed.

A struct that represents a directory entry on a remote server, containing the filename, full path and meta data.

A struct that contains a connection and handle ID that points to a file or directory on the remote server.

An error that is raised when the configuration contains invalid options.

A provider that loads keys for authentication from the given location. Implements the :ssh_client_key_api behavior.

An error that is raised when an operation failed.

A module that provides functions to close an open handle pointing to a file or directory on the SFTP server.

A module containing operations to connect to an SSH/SFTP server.

A module containing operations to delete a directory from the remote server.

A module containing operations to delete a file from the remote server.

A module containing operations to disconnect from an SSH/SFTP server.

A module that provides functions to download files from an SFTP server.

A module that provides functions to retrieve information on files and directories from an SFTP server.

A module that provides functions to retrieve information on symbolic links from an SFTP server.

A module that provides functions to retrieve a list of files in the given directory from an SFTP server.

A module that provides functions to create directories on an SFTP server.

A module that provides functions to create symlinks on an SFTP server.

A module that provides functions to open a directory on an SFTP server in order to list their contents.

A module that provides functions to open a file on an SFTP server in order to read their contents.

A module that provides functions to read a list of directories on an SFTP server from a given file handle.

A module that provides functions to read file contents from an SFTP server.

A module that provides functions to read chunks of data from a file on an SFTP server.

A module that provides functions to retrieve the target of a symbolic link on an SFTP server.

A module that provides functions to rename files and directories on an SFTP server.

A module that provides functions to create streams from and to files on an SFTP server.

A module that provides functions to upload files to an SFTP server.

A module that provides functions to write file contents to an SFTP server.

A module that provides functions to write chunks of data to a file on an SFTP server.

A struct that contains file and directory meta data.

A stream pointing to a file on an SFTP server. Implements the Enumerable and Collectable protocols.