View Source SFTPClient.Operations.StreamFile (SFTP Client v2.1.0)

A module that provides functions to create streams from and to files on an SFTP server.



Creates a stream that allows reading from and writing to the server.

Creates a stream that allows reading from and writing to the server using the specified chunk size.

Creates a stream that allows reading from and writing to the server.

Creates a stream that allows reading from and writing to the server using the specified chunk size.


@spec stream_file(SFTPClient.Conn.t(), Path.t()) ::
  {:ok, SFTPClient.Stream.t()} | {:error, SFTPClient.error()}

Creates a stream that allows reading from and writing to the server.

Link to this function

stream_file(conn, path, chunk_size)

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@spec stream_file(SFTPClient.Conn.t(), Path.t(), non_neg_integer()) ::
  {:ok, SFTPClient.Stream.t()} | {:error, SFTPClient.error()}

Creates a stream that allows reading from and writing to the server using the specified chunk size.

Link to this function

stream_file!(conn, path)

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@spec stream_file!(SFTPClient.Conn.t(), Path.t()) :: SFTPClient.Stream.t()

Creates a stream that allows reading from and writing to the server.

Link to this function

stream_file!(conn, path, chunk_size)

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@spec stream_file!(SFTPClient.Conn.t(), Path.t(), non_neg_integer()) ::

Creates a stream that allows reading from and writing to the server using the specified chunk size.