Slack v0.23.5 Slack.Web.Mpim View Source
Link to this section Summary
Closes a multiparty direct message channel
Fetches history of messages and events from a multiparty direct message
Lists multiparty direct message channels for the calling user
Sets the read cursor in a multiparty direct message channel
This method opens a multiparty direct message
Link to this section Functions
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close(channel, optional_params \\ %{}) View Source
Closes a multiparty direct message channel.
Required Params
- MPIM to close.
Errors the API can return:
- Value passed forchannel
was invalid.
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history(channel, optional_params \\ %{}) View Source
Fetches history of messages and events from a multiparty direct message.
Required Params
- Multiparty direct message to fetch history for.
Optional Params
- Number of messages to return, between 1 and 1000. ex:100
- Include messages with latest or oldest timestamp in results. ex:1
- End of time range of messages to include in results.oldest
- Start of time range of messages to include in results.unreads
- Includeunread_count_display
in the output? ex:1
Errors the API can return:
- Value passed forchannel
was invalid.invalid_ts_latest
- Value passed forlatest
was invalidinvalid_ts_oldest
- Value passed foroldest
was invalid
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list(optional_params \\ %{}) View Source
Lists multiparty direct message channels for the calling user.
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mark(channel, ts, optional_params \\ %{}) View Source
Sets the read cursor in a multiparty direct message channel.
Required Params
- multiparty direct message channel to set reading cursor in.ts
- Timestamp of the most recently seen message.
Errors the API can return:
- Value passed forchannel
was invalid.invalid_timestamp
- Value passed fortimestamp
was invalid.
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open(users, optional_params \\ %{}) View Source
This method opens a multiparty direct message.
Required Params
- Comma separated lists of users. The ordering of the users is preserved whenever a MPIM group is returned.
Errors the API can return:
- Needs at least 2 users to opentoo_many_users
- Needs at most 8 users to openusers_list_not_supplied
- Missingusers
in request