Slack v0.23.5 Slack.Web.Users View Source

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Returns a list of all channel-like conversations accessible to the user or app tied to the presented token, as part of Conversations API

Gets user presence information

Gets information about a user

Lists all users in a Slack team

Retrieve a single user by looking them up by their registered email address. Requires

Marks a user as active

Link to this section Functions

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conversations(optional_params \\ %{}) View Source

Returns a list of all channel-like conversations accessible to the user or app tied to the presented token, as part of Conversations API.

Optional Params

  • cursor - Paginate through collections of data by setting the cursor parameter to a next_cursor attribute returned by a previous request's response_metadata. Default value fetches the first "page" of the collection. See pagination for more detail. ex: dXNlcjpVMDYxTkZUVDI=
  • exclude_archived - Set this to true to exclude archived channels from the list ex: true
  • limit - The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number of items may be returned, even if the end of the list hasn't been reached. Must be an integer no larger than 1000. ex: 20
  • types - Mix and match channel types by providing a comma-separated list of any combination of public_channel, private_channel, mpim, im ex: public_channel,private_channel
  • user - Browse conversations by a specific user ID's membership. Non-public channels are restricted to those where the calling user shares membership. ex: W0B2345D

Errors the API can return:

  • method_not_supported_for_channel_type - This type of conversation cannot be used with this method.
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get_presence(user, optional_params \\ %{}) View Source

Gets user presence information.

Required Params

  • user - User to get presence info on. Defaults to the authed user.

Errors the API can return:

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info(user, optional_params \\ %{}) View Source

Gets information about a user.

Required Params

  • user - User to get info on

Errors the API can return:

  • user_not_found - Value passed for user was invalid.
  • user_not_visible - The requested user is not visible to the calling user
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list(optional_params \\ %{}) View Source

Lists all users in a Slack team.

Optional Params

  • presence - Whether to include presence data in the output ex: 1
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lookup_by_email(email, optional_params \\ %{}) View Source

Retrieve a single user by looking them up by their registered email address. Requires

Required Params

  • email - User's email address

Errors the API can return:

  • missing_scope - The token used is not granted the specific scope permissions required to complete this request. Need:
  • user_not_found - Value passed for user was invalid.
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set_active(optional_params \\ %{}) View Source

Marks a user as active.

Errors the API can return:

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set_presence(presence, optional_params \\ %{}) View Source

Manually sets user presence.

Required Params

  • presence - Either auto or away ex: away

Errors the API can return:

  • invalid_presence - Value passed for presence was invalid.