Slack v0.23.5 Slack.Web.Usergroups View Source
Link to this section Summary
Create a user group
Disable an existing user group
Enable a user group
List all user groups for a team
Update an existing user group
Link to this section Functions
Link to this function
create(name, optional_params \\ %{}) View Source
Create a user group
Required Params
- A name for the user group. Must be unique among user groups. ex:My Test Team
Optional Params
- A comma separated string of encoded channel IDs for which the user group uses as a default.description
- A short description of the user group.handle
- A mention handle. Must be unique among channels, users and user groups.include_count
- Include the number of users in each user group. ex:1
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disable(usergroup, optional_params \\ %{}) View Source
Disable an existing user group
Required Params
- The encoded ID of the user group to disable. ex:S0604QSJC
Optional Params
- Include the number of users in the user group. ex:1
Link to this function
enable(usergroup, optional_params \\ %{}) View Source
Enable a user group
Required Params
- The encoded ID of the user group to enable. ex:S0604QSJC
Optional Params
- Include the number of users in the user group. ex:1
Link to this function
list(optional_params \\ %{}) View Source
List all user groups for a team
Optional Params
- Include the number of users in each user group. ex:1
- Include disabled user groups. ex:1
- Include the list of users for each user group. ex:1
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update(usergroup, optional_params \\ %{}) View Source
Update an existing user group
Required Params
- The encoded ID of the user group to update. ex:S0604QSJC
Optional Params
- A comma separated string of encoded channel IDs for which the user group uses as a default.description
- A short description of the user group.handle
- A mention handle. Must be unique among channels, users and user groups.include_count
- Include the number of users in the user group. ex:1
- A name for the user group. Must be unique among user groups. ex:My Test Team