View Source Swoosh.Adapters.Mandrill (Swoosh v1.17.6)

An adapter that sends email using the Mandrill API.

It supports both the send and send-template endpoint. In order to use the latter you need to set template_name in the provider_options map on Swoosh.Email.

For reference: Mandrill API docs

This adapter requires an API Client. Swoosh comes with Hackney, Finch and Req out of the box. See the installation section for details.


# config/config.exs
config :sample, Sample.Mailer,
  adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.Mandrill,
  api_key: "my-api-key"

# lib/sample/mailer.ex
defmodule Sample.Mailer do
  use Swoosh.Mailer, otp_app: :sample

Using with provider options

import Swoosh.Email

|> from({"Rachel Chu", ""})
|> to({"Nick Young", ""})
|> to("")
|> reply_to("")
|> cc({"Goh Peik Lin", ""})
|> cc("")
|> bcc({"Eleanor Sung-Young", ""})
|> bcc("")
|> subject("Hello, People!")
|> html_body("<h1>Hello</h1>")
|> text_body("Hello")
|> put_provider_option(:global_merge_vars, [
  %{"name" => "a", "content" => "b"},
  %{"name" => "c", "content" => "d"}
|> put_provider_option(:merge_vars, [
  %{"rcpt" => "", "vars" => %{"name" => "a", "content" => "b"}},
  %{"rcpt" => "", "vars" => %{"name" => "b", "content" => "b"}},
|> put_provider_option(:merge_language, "mailchimp")
|> put_provider_option(:metadata, %{"website" => ""})
|> put_provider_option(:template_name, "welcome-user")
|> put_provider_option(:template_content, [%{"name" => "a", "content" => "b"}])
|> put_provider_option(:subaccount, "subaccount-x")
|> put_provider_option(:tags, ["tag-1", "tag-2"])

Provider options

  • :global_merge_vars (list[map]) - a list of maps of :name and :content global variables for all recipients

  • :merge_language (string) - merge tag language to use when evaluating merge tags, and possible values are mailchimp or handlebars

  • :merge_vars (list[map]) - a list of maps of :rcpt and vars for each recipient, which will override :global_merge_vars

  • :metadata (map) - a map of up to 10 fields for a user metadata

  • :template_content (list[map]) - a list of maps of :name and :content to be sent within a template

  • :template_name (string) - a name or slug of the template that belongs to a user

  • :subaccount (string) - the unique id of a subaccount for this message

  • :tags (list[string]) - a list of strings to tag the message with

  • :return_path_domain (string) - a custom domain to use for the message's return-path

  • :tracking_domain (string) - a custom domain to use for tracking opens and clicks instead of

Template-configured 'from' address

Mandrill templates allow you to configure the 'from' address in the template itself. To use the 'from' fields configured in the template, rather than specifying the value explicitly, you can set

|> from("TEMPLATE")



deliver(email, config \\ [])

Callback implementation for Swoosh.Adapter.deliver/2.


Callback implementation for Swoosh.Adapter.validate_config/1.


Callback implementation for Swoosh.Adapter.validate_dependency/0.