View Source Swoosh.X.TestAssertions (Swoosh v1.17.3)

Experimental New TestAssertions Module that may replace the old new in v2.

This module contains a set of assertions functions that you can import in your test cases.

It is meant to be used with the Swoosh.Adapters.Test module.

Note: Swoosh.X.TestAssertions works for unit tests and basic integration tests. Unfortunately it's not going to work for feature/E2E tests. The mechanism of assert_email_sent is based on messaging sending between processes, and is expecting the calling process (the one that calls assert_email_sent) to be the calling process of Mailer.deliver, or be the parent process of the whatever does the Mailer.deliver call.

For feature/E2E tests, you should use Swoosh.Adapters.Local adapter. In your test, instead of calling assert_email_sent, you could check what's in the local adapter mailbox.



Asserts email was not sent.

Asserts any email was sent.

Asserts email was sent.

Asserts multiple emails were sent.

Asserts no emails were sent.

Removes and returns from mailbox all sent emails.

Asserts no emails were sent.

Asserts email with attributes was not sent.

Sets Swoosh test adapter to global mode.



@type email_assertion() ::
  Swoosh.Email.t() | Keyword.t() | (Swoosh.Email.t() -> boolean())



@spec assert_email_not_sent(Swoosh.Email.t()) :: boolean() | no_return()

Asserts email was not sent.

Performs exact matching of the email struct.


@spec assert_email_sent() :: boolean() | no_return()

Asserts any email was sent.


@spec assert_email_sent(
  | Keyword.t()
  | (Swoosh.Email.t() -> boolean())
) ::
  boolean() | no_return()

Asserts email was sent.

You can pass a keyword list to match on specific params or an anonymous function that returns a boolean.


iex> alias Swoosh.Email
iex> import Swoosh.X.TestAssertions

iex> email = "Hello, Avengers!")
iex> Swoosh.Adapters.Test.deliver(email, [])

# assert a specific email was sent
iex> assert_email_sent(email)

# assert an email with specific field(s) was sent
iex> assert_email_sent(subject: "Hello, Avengers!")

# assert an email that satisfies a condition
iex> assert_email_sent(fn email ->
...>   assert length( == 2
...> end)


@spec assert_emails_sent() :: tuple() | no_return()

Asserts multiple emails were sent.

You can pass a list of maps to match on specific params per email


iex> alias Swoosh.Email
iex> import Swoosh.TestAssertions

iex> emails =, fn n -> "Hello, Avengers #{n}!") end)
iex> Swoosh.Adapters.Test.deliver_many(emails, [])

# assert a specific email was sent
iex> assert_emails_sent(emails)

# assert the list of emails with specific field(s) that were sent
iex> assert_email_sent([
  %{subject: "Hello, Avengers 1!"},
  %{subject: "Hello, Avengers 2!"},


@spec assert_emails_sent([email_assertion()]) :: :ok | tuple() | no_return()


@spec assert_no_email_sent() :: boolean() | no_return()

Asserts no emails were sent.


@spec flush_emails() :: [Swoosh.Email.t()]

Removes and returns from mailbox all sent emails.


@spec refute_email_sent() :: boolean() | no_return()

Asserts no emails were sent.


@spec refute_email_sent(Swoosh.Email.t() | list() | (Swoosh.Email.t() -> boolean())) ::
  boolean() | no_return()

Asserts email with attributes was not sent.

You can pass a keyword list to match on specific params or an anonymous function that returns a boolean.

set_swoosh_global(context \\ %{})

Sets Swoosh test adapter to global mode.

In global mode, emails are consumed by the current test process, doesn't matter which process sent it.

An ExUnit case where tests use Swoosh in global mode cannot be async: true.


defmodule MyTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: false

  import Swoosh.Email
  import Swoosh.X.TestAssertions

  setup :set_swoosh_global

  test "it sends email" do
    # ...
    assert_email_sent(subject: "Hi Avengers!")