View Source Dynamic Management Examples
Schedule Work
defmodule Counter do
alias Tarearbol.DynamicManager
use DynamicManager
@impl DynamicManager
def children_specs do
now = DateTime.utc_now()
second: [payload: now, timeout: 1_000],
minute: [payload: now, timeout: 60_000]
@impl DynamicManager
def perform(:second, payload) do
now = DateTime.utc_now()
IO.inspect({payload, now}, label: "sec")
{:ok, now} # do not replace a payload
def perform(:minute, payload) do
now = DateTime.utc_now()
IO.inspect({payload, now}, label: "min")
{:replace, now} # replace a payload
Once started with Counter.start_link()
, it’ll output:
sec: {~U[2021-03-10 07:58:55.874591Z], ~U[2021-03-10 07:58:56.876633Z]}
sec: {~U[2021-03-10 07:58:55.874591Z], ~U[2021-03-10 07:59:54.938543Z]}
min: {~U[2021-03-10 07:58:55.874591Z], ~U[2021-03-10 07:59:55.876592Z]}
sec: {~U[2021-03-10 07:58:55.874591Z], ~U[2021-03-10 07:59:55.939661Z]}
sec: {~U[2021-03-10 07:58:55.874591Z], ~U[2021-03-10 08:00:54.998537Z]}
min: {~U[2021-03-10 07:59:55.876592Z], ~U[2021-03-10 08:00:55.877658Z]}
Note, that the payload of the :second
one does not change, while the payload of minute
gets updated to the latest value reported.
Workers Pool
One might create a workers pool with a help of Tarearbol.DynamicManager
. Usually perform/2
is suppressed in workers with timeout: 0
and only Genserver.cast/2
are handled with helpers Tarearbol.Pool.defsynch/2
and Tarearbol.Pool.defasynch/2
Written as a regular functions, they are wrapped during compilation time to be dispatched to the free instance of the pool behind. Inside the body of these functions, the following magic macros become available:
returning theid
of the worker invokedpayload!
returning thepayload
of the worker invokedstate!
returning thestate
of the worker invoked as a tuple{id, payload}
defmodule Pool do
use Tarearbol.Pool, init: &Pool.initializer/0, pool_size: 2
def initializer, do: 0
defsynch synch(),
do: {:ok, payload!()}
defsynch synch(n),
do: {:ok, payload!() + n}
defasynch asynch(n),
do: {:replace, payload!() + n}
Now one might call Pool.synch/1
to perform a synchronized pooled state request, as well as Pool.asynch/1
to asynchronously update the state. Note, that in this contrived example, the state of the first free worker is going to be updated.
Pool.start_link(), &Pool.synch(&1))
#⇒ [ok: 1, ok: 2, ok: 3]
#⇒ 0
But for asynch/1
function that needs some time to finish and updates the state, it’s different.
Pool.start_link(), &Pool.asynch(&1))
#⇒ [:ok, :ok, :ok]
Enum.reduce(Pool.state().children, 0, & &2 + elem(&1, 1).value)
#⇒ 6
Note, that there is no guarantee what worker would handle each call.
Multiple Stateful Processes
Consider we are building an online shop having buckets for each customer. Then we might back up the customer session with this kind of DynamicManager
defmodule Bucket do
alias Tarearbol.DynamicManager
use DynamicManager
def new(customer) do
put(customer, payload: %{}, timeout: 10_000)
def do_smth(customer) do
IO.inspect("Hey, #{customer}, we have a discount")
@impl DynamicManager
def children_specs, do: %{}
@impl DynamicManager
def perform(id, payload) do
if map_size(payload) > 0, do: do_smth(id)
{:ok, DateTime.utc_now()}
@impl DynamicManager
def call(:<, _from, {_id, payload}),
do: {:ok, payload}
@impl DynamicManager
def cast({:+, item}, {_id, payload}),
do: {:replace, Map.update(payload, item, 1, & &1+1)}
Then we can play with it.
iex|1▸ Bucket.start_link()
{:ok, #PID<0.325.0>}
iex|2▸ "Aleksei"
iex|3▸ Bucket.synch_call "Aleksei", {:+, :tomato}
iex|4▸ Bucket.asynch_call "Aleksei", {:+, :tomato}
iex|5▸ Bucket.asynch_call "Aleksei", {:+, :cucumber}
# the below is printed from `perform/2`
"Hey, Aleksei, we have a discount"
iex|6▸ Bucket.synch_call "Aleksei", :<
{:ok, %{cucumber: 1, tomato: 2}}